Chapter 17

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Tee clearly showed his annoyed face to his uninvited and unexpected guest of him right now. She was sitting in front of his table with a crossed legs while looking around before looking back at stern face of Tee.

"Why so tight? Hate me much?" Pring asked in her casual voice.

"Maybe because I know why are you here? Stop this, Pring. Till when will you disturb Godt and Bas?" To that, Pring had laughed out loud.

"It's not me. It was Godt. He is the one who didn't tell things to his parents when he knew they dotted on me. It makes me thinking that one day, Godt actually will get married with me after tired with that bitch." Tee was groaning in un-pleased tone hearing Pring's words.

"Opportunistic bitch. You know how his parents are. All he needs is time, but I'm very sure, he will never chose you over Bas. Trust me." Tee keeps on using his harsh tone so that his words could get through that thick head of that woman, which it never did all these years, making him shaking his head of how shameless this woman could be.

"I don't care what you called me. You'll regret it if he choose me one day. Anyway, I'm not coming here to hear those stupid words from you. I want to know where Godt live? He is not in his apartment his parents thought he was, so he must be living with that stupid bitch. Where is he?"

Tee chuckled hearing her. "What makes you think I will tell you about it? I'm not stupid. Besides, why don't you just forget him? You are beautiful enough to find someone else, might be better than Godt. I need to have my break, which already short because you came, and I need to work. Please, leave. You will not get even a hint from me."

Tee was standing up, holding on Pring's arm and was dragging her out from his room before he close the door shut and walked away, leaving a dumbfounded Pring, with a grinned face of nurse sitting behind her. Just like a child who couldn't get her candy, Pring was tapping her feet few times before leaving with frowning on her face, making nurse behind her trying to control her laughter.


It was the next morning when Copter trying to open his eyes to the light of the day, to the headache and to his naked body, making him frown. He was trying to think when he heard sobbing sound making him look around only to see Bas crying with no shirt and blanket covered his bottom half while sitting leaning on the bedhead beside him, making his mind thinking fast to the night before. All the memories, every single moment of it came to him like a lightning, making him jolting up with a surprise face, facing a silent crying Bas who keeps fidgeting with his fingers.

"What have we done?" Said Copter making Bas's crying got harder by the second, making Copter coming closer and pulling him in his arms. Copter was taking his time between fighting the headache he had, with the shocked of life he had today while thinking of things he need to do.

What will happen to Bas and Godt? Will what happen to him will happen to Bas? No, he will never let it happen to Bas. He will make Godt understand that this was all his fault. He was taking advantage over Bas, and Bas will not be the one to blame. It was all him.

He was rubbing on Bas's back some more before pulling him making Bas looking at him. While wiping his tears, Copter was giving him a warm smile, conveying to him that everything will be okay.

"You will take a shower, calling your driver to fetch you and you will stay in your parent's house for tonight." Hearing Copter, Bas was frowning while still hiccuping, but at the same time he was frowning.

"Why..." he asked.

"I'll talk to Godt. This was all on me, it was never your fault. I will make sure Godt will blame me on everything so that both of you could stay together. I......" Copter couldn't finished his words when Bas keeps on shaking his head.

"No, it's not fair for you, Cop. I remember last night. Every second of it. You didn't force me on anything. I did it willingly with you. It's not fair for you. You shou......" Copter put his pointer finger on Bas's mouth to silent him down.

"I remember about it too. Every single words, every single touch of you, and that will be my most beautiful memories in my life. I thought what I felt for you is one-sided, but I'm happy I'm not. Though we couldn't be together, but that was enough to makes me happy, Bas." Bas was crying once again and Copter couldn't keep in his tears from rolling down too, but he needs to finish this.

"I don't want to lose you, Cop." Bas said while sobbing and still hiccuping hard.

"You stupid. You will never lose me. We might couldn't see each other until Godt's angry subsided, but I promise you, we will see each other again. Even as brother, that was enough for me as long as you are happy. Now, you will get ready and stay there until Godt fetch you from there. I'll told him you will be staying there. And I will not be here anymore when you came back, but you could always call me if anything. Now, you really need to move before Godt coming back."

With him still crying, Bas was trying to get up and walked to the door, before turning to Copter one last time and walked away to his room while wiping his tears.


Copter was waiting.....and he was nervous. And scared too. He loves Bas, but he loves his friend Godt too. If he could, he didn't want to lose any of them, but he knew he had to do this. At least, he could make sure Godt and Bas could be happy even without him. He was waiting, but he wishes at least he could have much more time to be ready, at least for him to lose a friend. He knew what he did, no, what they did is a wrong thing behind Godt, but he regret nothing, and at the same time he felt sad for betraying Godt. His tears just flowing, and he was helpless. How did his life turned upside down like this in just a short time?

He was fidgeting, and was thinking the probable scenario that could happen when he confess to Godt. Will he punched him, or worst to worst, killed him? Godt was a very straightforward person, and he hates betrayal the most. And he did just that. Betrayed his trust, to him and to Bas. He betrayed his best friend for life that never crossed in his mind even a second before that he will someday betrayed him and lose him at the same time.

Life has always had plan for us, no matter where we turn or stay. And he never thought that his life could turn this way.

He heard the door open and he saw his best friend Godt coming in with a smile in his face, making his world stop, and blank for a second. His heart might stop too, but he couldn't tell. Somehow, he could feel the drop of sweat form on his forehead and his neck. He might fall into panic attack state, but he was able to calm himself down while taking a deep breath in.

But then, seeing his condition, Godt was fast coming to him with his worried face.

"Cop, what happen? Are you okay?"

End of Chapter 17

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