Chapter 24

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"Hey, Tee. What are you thinking about? You were lost in your thought for some time now. You makes P'Tae worried about you." Kimmon's voice making Tee out of his trance, making him looking up at both of them, who was looking back at him with curiosity in their eyes. They were watching a movie while spending time together at the living room when the conversation he had with Copter earlier makes him thinking, losing in his world.

"I was just thinking about what Copter had said." Tae was frowning hearing that. "Did he still angry at you? Did he said bad..." Before both Tae and Kimmon were thinking more badly about Copter hearing Tae, Tee had shaking his head fast.

"No, not that, please. Copter never even shouting at me after everything. He just left in silence and that makes my guilt bigger. But this is about him, and what he said today really makes me thinking."

"What did he said?" Kimmon get very impatient, and he wanted to know about it and fast.

"At first he said he was happy for me, and I couldn't really understand him. But then he said that I look more cheerful and that my face had a bright that he said had lost years before. I had that bright face a few years into the relationship, and that after that it was slowly fading without me realized it. Then, he said that he makes the right decision for me." Tee's words making Tae and Kimmon smile widely.

"We are very happy you are happy living here with us. We were afraid you feel force to be here because of us and we did our best to make you happy and comfortable." Said Tae.

"You both had really made my day almost every day, so don't ever think like that. But....." hearing the last word making Tae and Kimmon frowning.

"But he didn't said it was the right decision for him, only for me." Tae and Kimmon then looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Thinking about it, he looks a little bit pale and a little skinnier? I'm not sure, but I'm afraid Copter is still suffering because of me."

"Tee, maybe you should asked him tomorrow. It's been quite some time you both had separated. He might have another problem, not necessarily because of you. Talk to him, as his friend. You both are still friend to each other, remember?" Tae's words making Tee's heart a little lighter. Tae had always been the wise one between them three.

"P'Tae is right. You don't have to worry too much. You just have to ask him tomorrow. Let's continue watching the movie, okay." Only then Tee realized that the movie had been paused because of him. He was nodding his head and was turning to the movie right away, but his mind couldn't stop thinking about Copter.

He saw Copter coming out from Dr. Suthee's room, Copter's head department with an unreadable expression, and he was so lost in thought that he couldn't see Tee standing in front of him.

"Hey, Cop. Are you okay?" He asked, only then Copter looking up at him and was smiling, telling him that of course he was okay. They both then had a coffee break, which they couldn't have for so long, it reminded them of their old days. That's when Copter had told him about how bright and cheerful he is, which he couldn't actually realize it. He thought he was looking as usual, but it is the truth that he didn't have much stress nowadays and he could laugh heartily now.

But looking at Copter, he could feel that something was wrong, but the guy keeps assuring him he was okay and everything, so they parted ways for their own work. Maybe Tae and Kimmon is right. He just had to ask him tomorrow.


Morning came, and Tee was looking for Copter at lunch break, but was informed by the nurse that they didn't know where Copter went. That it was strange. If he took a day off, the nurse must have been informed by it, but now they don't know anything about it, which they too astonished to that fact. The nurses tried to reach for him, but they said the call couldn't get through, and had asked Tee to try himself. Just like what they said, the call couldn't get through.

Tee then heading to Godt's department and head straight to his room. He knocked the door a few times before opening it. He saw Godt was just sitting at his seat reading patient's information and was looking up at a glance at him and then focused back to his task.

"Not even going to greet me?" Tee said while taking the seat in front of Godt's desk. The guy didn't even gives him response making Tee sighing but decided to ask him straight to the point he was here in the first place.

"Do you know where Copter is?" well, the question was able taking Godt's attention and he was looking up at him with a frown.

"Why are you looking for him here? Shouldn't you look for him at his room?" Asked Godt, obliviously.

"I thought you live at the same place. Don't you know he didn't come to work today and that no one knows why?" his words making Godt frown more and making him seating up straight looking at Tee like Tee was talking nonsense.

"He just said he could come in late today and Bas had asked him to sleep in. Maybe he, overslept?" Godt's tone of unsure make Tee the one who was frowning now.

"Maybe? What happen to you? Did something happen between you?" Tee's question making Godt's expression changed and that makes Tee even more confused.

"There's nothing happen. Anyway, he might just overslept, he will wakes up once people calling him." Godt was just taking his phone when Tee's words make his movement stop.

"The nurses had been calling whole morning, and I too tried to call him a times, but the call couldn't get through. At all. Are you sure there's nothing happen between you two? Because if anything, just anything about Copter, usually you are the first to know. Even when we are still married."

Godt couldn't answer Tee and could just looking at him for a while before Godt decided to call Copter. Tee's words somehow had spark the worried feelings in him, and he needs to make sure that everything is okay. But, as Tee said, the call just couldn't get through.

"I don't know if you realize it or not, but yesterday when I saw him, his face a little pale and he was lost in thoughts. I felt like there's something wrong, but he keeps telling me everything is okay, so, I believed him." While Tee was talking, Godt had made a call to Bas, and while waiting for Bas to answer him, he heard Tee's words, and that makes his worried doubled in no time.

"Hello, Bas, where are you?" he asked right away, when Bas had answered the call.

"Just about to get into the house. Why, P'Godt?" Godt could hear Bas was fiddling with key and then he heard the door open and closed.

"Can you look for Copter in his room? He didn't come to work today." Hearing Godt, Bas had laughing, thinking that maybe Copter had an overslept.

"He might overslept? Seriously, it was already long after lunch." Said Bas while still heading straight to Copter's room, knocking on it a few times before opening the door, expected to saw the guy rolling on the bed, but was shocked to see it was empty.

"P'Godt, he is not here. Are sure he didn't......" Bas said while looking around the room, but was stopped when he saw the top of the cabinet was empty.

"What is it, Bas?" Godt asked when Bas had stop his words suddenly in the middle, while Bas walking fast getting into the room, opening the cabinet only to see an empty cabinet.

"His clothes not here." Bas had said slowly like he was talking to himself, making Godt asked him to repeat that again.

"His clothes not here....the cabinet is empty, P'Godt."

End of Chapter 24


This was suppose to be a short story, but the story just keeps on going....i hope i don't make it boring to you.

Anyway, thank you for stopping by;)

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