Chapter 13

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Godt was just getting into his office room when suddenly the door of his office had opened once again. Without even having enough time to react, or to turn around, he could feel someone had leaning on his back, only with the head. He didn't feels any hold or any other body part.

"Please, let me be for a while. Don't ask me anything, just let me be like this for a while." It was Copter's voice, so he wasn't worried about the who. He was worried about the crack that the voice had made, makes him wonder about the why.

Did he meet Tee? Are they argue about something? Did Tee forcing him to get back together? Or is there someone saying anything to him?

Godt was standing still just like Copter had request him to. But he can't help but to think of the reason, curious why would Copter act like this.

After some time, Godt could feel the head that was leaning on his back had moved away and he was turning around right away.

"Are you okay now?" he asked Copter who had red on his nose and eyes, and he could see a few droplets on the floor, indicating that Copter had cried silently while leaning on him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks Godt. You might be busy, and I have an appointment with a patient in a few minutes. That's why I need you to calm me down, I hope I'm not interfering with anything."

"Of course you are not. I just coming back from the operation room and was about to study on my next case. I'm glad you came to me, and you can come whenever you need me. If I wasn't here, just coming in, and have a rest here to avoid people for a while. I think you need to move now for your appointment."

Copter was fast looking at his watch. "I'll get going now. Thanks again." Copter was just taking a few steps, and when he was at the door, opening it, Godt called him, making him turning around once again.



"You know you can always tell me anything, right?" hearing that, Copter was smiling making Godt smiled too.

"Of course. I need to go now. See you later." Copter then taking his way out from the room, fast to his appointment room.


"Yeah, he's okay, don't worry. He told me he will be busy today, so I will ask him to reply your message tomorrow. Are you both okay? Enjoying your trip?" Tae was talking on his phone with his stepmother while reviewing the insurance document about the claim his client sent to the workshop where he work.

"Don't worry, I'll make him call you tomorrow. You both take care of your health, and don't worry about us here." Now he was putting the phone between his shoulder and his side face while flipping the pages.

"I will. Talk to you later, take care. Love you." Tae was finishing the call and was putting his phone on his pants pocket while he continued reading the document, but now he walked near to his co-worker who keeps on checking the car that just arrived with the document in Tae's hand.

"Lam, we can proceed with this car. The insurance will cover everything." Lam turn to him while nodding and turning back to the car to continue what he was doing before. Tae walked to the office, placing the document in a file before joining Lam to proceed with the job.

"You talk to your father?" Lam asked while still focused on his job. "Stepmother." Tae too answering while focused on his task.

"What is your plan? Don't tell me you were not thinking about it." Lam's question making Tae's hand stop a few second while he was thinking but he continue his task again while answering him.

"For now, I just want to makes him happy, Lam. You don't know him. People will say he looks like an ice prince, but that's it. He is a very lonely kid, I want to take him out from his caging life. About our parents, I'll think about it later, when the time come."

Hearing Tae, Lam was the one sighing. He felt pity for his friend. He is a very good guy and he wished he had a normal happy life. Even though he knows his friend happy for now, but the route looks rough and it will be difficult for him later. He thought once his father had married a very rich woman, his life will be smoother. But, Lam wasn't sure anymore.

"I understand, bro. Just let me know if you need any help, man. And.....I want to apologize for bringing you to the party before. My cousin too, felt apologetic when he heard about you, and he was really angry with the doctor. But he wasn't saying anything to the guy about you."

Tae was smiling. Truthfully, things that happen between him and Tee is not a good thing. But through that, he realized how Kimmon is so much important in his life. And through that also, he was tired being a coward, and how much he hated to see Kimmon's crying because of him.

"Thanks." It was short, but he really appreciate Lam's intention. He is the only one who knew fully about him and Kimmon. He is the only trusted friend he had.


"Yes, mommy. I'll be there." Copter who just got into Godt's car, on their way of heading home had receive a call from Tee's mother, his ex-mother-in-law. During their fights and separation and all, Tee's parents was keep in the dark of everything. Now that he received the call from her, they had heard about it from somewhere. He knew, definitely not from Tee, and he also knew that his ex-mother-in-law will be very furious at Tee. She always had adored him for a reason he wasn't sure why. Maybe because she befriended his late mother, or maybe it's just how she is. Treats and loving someone all the same because you are family.

"What happened?" Godt's question making him out of his trance. "I don't want to impose, but I need to go to Tee's house. His parents is there and they just get to know about us, I think."

Godt just turn the ignition on, and was about to push on the accelerator when Copter stopped him. "I can go by myself. You should go back, Bas had been waiting for you."

Instead of answering Copter, Godt just drive away. Only after the car already getting out from the park area, that Godt had talked again.

"Bas had dinner with his father tonight. They had things to discuss about their company and he will be late. So, you don't have to worry about Bas. But you, I'm not gonna let you go alone there. I will wait for you in the car once reaching his house, so that you could get out from the house anytime you need to. Okay?"

Copter just nodding his head knowing he will never win with Godt.

"And I'm still waiting about today. You can tell me when ready, but make sure you will tell. I need to know everything about you so that I know what to do, or what to expect."

Copter was sighing hearing Godt. "You don't have to protect me that far, Godt. I can take care of myself, you know that."

"I'm not doing this because you don't know how to take care of yourself. You are a doctor for sake. I'm doing this because I want you to know you are not alone. I will not let you had that thinking again. Thinking that you are not deserved to love and all that. I'm keeping you company. I want you to always think that I will be here, always."

End Chapter 13

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