Chapter 10

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"Now that the cast is open, don't think you can walk and move on your own. You are not eligible for working yet, since you hurt hand and leg at the same side, you could barely support yourself to move around. Be patient a little bit more."

Copter was sighing, though he was nodding hearing Dr. Thila. Being a doctor himself, he knows the drill. But it was been so long, he missed his job already.

"Are you okay?" Dr. Thila's sudden tone making Copter and Bas looking at her at the same time.

"I mean, you both were so in love, romantic, that's what people always said about both of you. It's hard for everyone to accept the fact that you both were divorced. Please don't let the stress affect your injury. Don't think too much, okay." Said Dr. Thila, changing the direction of her statement when she thought it wasn't her place to ask about that.

"Don't worry, Dr. I know when to stop, and even if I don't, I still have Bas here, and also Godt. You know how is he, right? About me and Tee, well, I guess that's an enough evidence of nothing stays forever. It will always exist the thin line in between, and it depends on us to cut the line, or to make it as hard as a wall, to protect everything that we have. I was so comfortable all this time, wasn't even aware when it was already too late. Thank you for asking Dr. and see you on next appointment."

Bas then thanked Dr. Thila too before pulling and pushing the wheelchair Copter was on. They were just about to head to the pharmacy when the familiar figure appeared before them, taking the attention of the nurses and doctors around.

"Hi, Cop. How are you?" Tee started the conversation, refused to let the awkwardness filled in the air any longer.

"Dr. Thila said I need a little more time. But I'm healing alright. You? You don't skip your meal, right?" Replied Copter, but the question at the end somehow making Tee a little happier and at the same time washed away the awkwardness he felt minutes ago.

"Of course. always remind me that, so, I remember." Copter smiled a tender smile when hearing Tee said that. Tee knew how much he missed that smile, that all this time their photos together the only way he could see whenever he missed that smile. But now that he see the real dimple smile from Copter, he felt greedy. He wants more and more. If only he could begged Copter so that they could be back together. But he knows Copter enough that that would not change anything.

Godt and Bas is right about him not knowing Copter better. When he think all the time they've been together, most of the time, Copter had to give in to him, to his every decision. Copter was someone who always voice out what he had in his mind, and he always did, but Tee decided not to listen. It wasn' it never a problem because Copter give in to him, give in to his every whims, accepted every single things he did, not even questioning him even when Copter saw him kissing another guy that day.

"I hope I could see you come to work soon." So I could see you every day. Let me be selfish on this, at least.

"Yeah, me too. I couldn't wait to come back to work, but I still need to be patient a bit more. Anyway, Tee, we need to go to the pharmacy to fetch the medicine. See you around," Copter said before giving Bas a signal to push his wheelchair.

"Yeah, see you around. I hope you will have a fast recovery." Tee said making Bas halted his step for a while more.

"Thank you." With that, Bas had push the wheelchair and they both had walked past Tee, making Tee turning around watching their retreating back while sighing. I love you, and I'm sorry, Cop, for ruining it between us.


Godt was having dinner together with Bas and Copter that night. At first, he ate the dinner casually when he saw Copter wasn't act as usual. He was more of playing the food using his fork and spoon and his mind was somewhere else. Didn't want to ask straight to Copter, he nudges Bas who sit beside him, making Bas turn to him. He used his mouth pointing to Copter who was sitting in front of him.

With only lips movement without any sound, Bas answered Godt.

"He met Tee after the appointment." Bas's answer making Godt sighing. He didn't like to see Copter feeling down like this. It's hard to help him feels better all this time, and he just got a little bit better these few days, why would he met Tee. He knows Tee worked at the same hospital, but they were all in different department, including Dr. Thila, why would coincidence make him met with Tee, at times like this?

"Cop...." He started, and was able to take Copter's attention to him from the food on his plate. "Hmmm..."

"You need to eat that food, not play with it. Are you okay?" Said Godt, making Copter making a fake smile. He could recognize that smile, but he won't said anything, at least, not now.

"I will... I will...don't worry." They continue the dinner as usual, but at the end, Copter couldn't finish his food. Godt had wanted to help Bas to finish washing the dishes, but Bas had signalled him to follow Copter who was heading to the living room. Godt smiled to Bas and giving him a peck before follow Copter.

"Do you want to drink wine with me, Cop?" asked Godt taking a seat at the couch where Copter stop his wheelchair.

"I'm not in the mood for a drink, Godt. I don't want to do anything now." Replied Copter.

"Are you okay? You look lost. You know you....." Godt couldn't finished his words when Copter was lashing out at him suddenly.

"How many times do I need to tell you, I'm okay! I'm okay! For sake! Can't you just......" realizing that he was lashing out to Godt for no reason, only then he could see the hurt on Godt's face and the shock face of Bas who seems running from the kitchen with kitchen wipe still in his hand. Copter felt guilty right after and was trying to cover that back, but didn't know what to say yet.

"It's good then if you are okay. I'm sorry if I make you feel worst." Godt said with hurt evidence in his face and voice, but still trying hard to smile. He then wanted to stand up but Copter had pulled his wrist making him stopped his attempt to leave.

"I'm okay Bas, you can finished what you are doing, don't worry."

"Are you sure?" Copter was nodding which later Bas nodding back and turning around, continue his chores, intended to finish it right away.

"Godt, I'm sorry. Please sit back down." Godt couldn't really left Copter so he sit back down, but not saying anything.

"I didn't meant to get angry at you, or Bas. It's just that it was hard for me to think that nobody really loves me in this world. I was happy with Tee, because I thought he really loves me all this time. That there are someone in this world who truly loves me, only to realize that he actually never loves me, but all he had over me just a possession. Tee didn't realize it, I'm sure. But who knows him better than me? His eyes has changed, Godt. There is no blankness, it's pure bright and it was sadden me much that it wasn't because of me. Am I a difficult person, Godt? Is that why it was hard for people to loves me? Please, I'm sorry. Don't hate me too, don't leave me too, please."

Godt then standing up but not to leave Copter but to squat in front of Copter's wheelchair, making straight eye contact with teary and sobbing Copter. Bas who already near them, taking the seat that Godt sit previously, and taking Copter's hand in his hold.

"I can understand your mind state right now. But all this time, even before things with Tee happen, I never failed to make you understand that how much you are important to me, and Bas had said countless times that you are the only brother he had, Cop. If that's not a type of love, then what is? No matter what the fact is, Tee had made his decision and that decision had hurt you, and he was to be blame, so don't blame yourself instead."

"Yes, Cop. Don't say that. I'm here, P'Godt is here, and we will always be here. Don't pushed us away, I will feel really sad." Bas had hugged Copter from Copter's side making Copter using his free hand to hold on to Bas's arm as an act of hugging him back, because of his position. Godt was just smile to him sweetly, instead of the hurt smile he wears before, making Copter smile back, as sweetly as he could.

End of Chapter 10

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