Chapter 9

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Bas was just finished his chores at the kitchen when he walked out of it to join Copter at the living room. The movie is on, but somehow, he could see Copter had lost in his own mind that he was looking straight into space, making Bas sighing. Copter had done that a lot these days. When he said he wanted to get out from Tee's house, he indeed insisted them to send him to his late parent's house.

If it's not for him and Godt too, insisted that he will live with them for the time being, plus, with the stubbornness of Godt, they were able to bring him back here. His parent's house is good, but it was empty for too long, and most importantly, there will be no one that could help him with his current condition. He is basically needed help in everything with cast on his arm and leg.

"Hey, Cop. What are you watching?" Bas's voice had taking Copter out of his trance of thoughts, making Copter turned to him, smiling a sad smile. "This....what movie is this?" Copter was using his free hand to show on the big screen, but he was confused himself making Bas and later, he too, laugh about it.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Bas once they were calm from the laugh.

"About me. Tee. Us. I don't know how we ended up in this shit, but I was truly happy with him, Bas. I know I said it before to Godt, but actually I know he never cheated on me, with anyone before. At first I wanted to believe him that it was a mistake, but then all the resolution I had, gone in a split second when I heard him sleeping with another guy. I'm afraid his night sexcapade had caught on to him back after all these years, but I'm not sure. One thing for sure is that, I don't see any hope for us anymore. That's why I make this hard decision. No matter how much it hurts me, there's no point hanging on to him."

Bas had pulling crying Copter into his hugs. It didn't matter to him, of how many times they had to go through this until Copter is getting better and was able to move on. Tee had rooted in his heart for so long that it was hard for his brother to move on, but Bas believe, that he will be able to move on eventually. Copter makes his decision, and that's final. All he was going to do is to support him.

"I'm sorry for making you deal with my miserable states like this. You must have your own business to tend to, but I'm taking your time." Copter said once he already calm enough and pulled himself out from the hugs Bas always gives him whenever he cried pitifully like this. Such a visual he hope he could avoid, at least in front of Bas.

"What are you saying? Don't talk to me like we are strangers. I hate that. You was treating me like that ever since I was together with P'Godt. Makes me feels hurt. We both knew each other since diapers days, but you dare treating me like an outsider." Bas was pouting when saying these making Copter thought it was very cute and he was missing the old days they had spent together.

"I don't want to make you and Godt feeling awkward with me between you two. I decided to give you two space of privacy, that's why I decided to put the distant from you. But, we still brothers no matter what. So, if Godt had make you sad or anything, just tell me right away."

Bas had hit Copter' arm, feeling shy every time Cop mentioning about him and Godt, making Copter shaking his head while thinking, This baby will never change, and Godt is so lucky to have him.


Godt had walked into the house after a series of doorbell unanswered. He took out the key Copter provided for him and walked casually getting into the dark house, with every messed possible. Clothes everywhere, bottle and can of beer and other type of alcoholic was filling up the kitchen aisle, tea table, and everything was unorganized. It was so different from Tee that he knew, and the house that Copter was taking care before had turned out like this, Copter must be sad seeing this.

However, Godt keeps on walking and heading straight to the room, their main bedroom, once opening the door, he could see a miserable guy lying on the bed with bottle of alcohol still in his hand.

Instead of waking up the pathetic guy on the bed, Godt going straight for the window, and pulling on the curtain, taking in some light into the room, forcing the guy on the bed wince because of too many lights, making him open his eyes.

"What the....close the curtain.....Godt?" Tee couldn't finished his sentences properly once his eyes could stabilize with the light and he could see the person standing next to the window, looking cool and angry at the same time. Only this guy could pull off something like that.

"You look so pathetic right now, you know that?" Tee was sitting up from his position, putting the bottle on the bedside table.

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't want to see me, and hated me for everything I did." Tee said not really looking at Godt but to his hand on his lap.

"I plan to do that." His words making Tee turn to him fast. "It's Copter." Tee still looking at Godt waiting for him to continue.

"He heard about you not coming back to work, not even getting out from your house. He told me, you might blame yourself so much that you will let yourself drowning in that feelings, not be able to forgive yourself. Telling me that you are my best friend too, asking me for a favor. He wanted you to move on. He wanted me to help you to move on."

Tee then turning back to his hand on his lap, and Godt could see the tears falling down on those hands.

"Did....did he...move on?" Tee's question makes Godt laughing.

"Move on? Don't you know him? I guess you really don't know him. He asked me a favor to help you because he couldn't move on, Tee. But he couldn't come back to you anymore, that's why he didn't want you to be like this. No matter what you do, he will never come back to you. Not as your lover at least. As a friend, maybe, but that will take time. You make your choice, and he make his too. Maybe it's not the best decision now, but things will be better. I'll make sure he will get better. That's what I'm trying to say coming here today. I still couldn't forgive you for what you did, but things happen, nobody could stop it anymore. So, live with it. I hope you get what I'm trying to say."


Tae was watching Kimmon who sleeps in his arms tonight. The guy's face look so peaceful while sleeping, just like a kid's face, and that look was so cute, Tae couldn't help but to pinch on Kimmon's nose, making Kimmon frowning while still soundly sleeping.

He remembered the day they was reconcile back after he was caught having 'some fun time' with another guy named Tee. Kimmon was coming back home that day crying so much, making him worried. All he said was sorry, sorry, sorry, P'Tae, and couldn't utter another words, until he was calm enough an hour later.

"I'm sleeping with the same guy you slept with. I hated you so much for that, but I'm ending up doing the same thing. I really hate myself now. I'm sorry I blame you. I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

It was hard for him to calm Kimmon down after that until he was sleeping, tired of so much crying. Only when Kimmon was sleeping, he was able to think through things that happen.

He couldn't decipher his own feelings at that time. He couldn't really angry, yet he couldn't like but couldn't dislike it either. Things was still so confusing between him and Kimmon, and this guy Tee had makes things complicated. But thinking things through, he wanted to put the things between him and Tee behind, and focused on his relationship with Kimmon. What comes later, he'll deal with it later. For now, he wanted to take care of Kimmon and his feelings. His relationships with this sweet guy was just started, and he didn't want anything to ruin it.

End of Chapter 9

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