Chapter 8

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Tae was preparing the breakfast this morning when finally Kimmon had messaged him telling him he will be back home shortly, making the morning colorful to Tae. He was whistling his favorite happy song while preparing the breakfast for his step-brother and himself, for them to have a breakfast together after two weeks not really talking to each other.

Tae and Kimmon only knew each other 6 months ago, after their single parent married to each other. Their meeting was cold at first, since Kimmon really hated the idea of his mother getting married again. Being a spoiled child with a very rich mother, Kimmon felt comfortable with his current life that he hated it to think that he had to share his mother and all other things with strangers.

On their first meeting, Kimmon didn't say anything, or even looking at Tae and Tae's father properly. If it's up to him, he will not allowed the marriage to happen, but his mother had threatened him a bit, along with explaining to him her real feelings, which in the end Kimmon had to go along with her decision.

Kimmon wanted to try to accept both his stepfather and stepbrother, really, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get along. After a month stay together, Kimmon had told his mother he wanted to live alone. Kimmon's mother against the idea since Kimmon had been living home forever. From the school days until now he was working in his mother's company, Kimmon was never had the need to living out there, moreover to even think about it.

With a lot of persuasion, screaming and tears and a lot more drama, the only convincing facts that his mother allowed him to stay outside was when Tae offered to be there with him. To live together with him, with extra reason of giving their parents time to be alone for their honeymoon, instead dealing with them. All this time, Tae only live with his father who had a soup stall and later after finished school, Tae worked at the workshop as a mechanic, and still working there since.

Kimmon was devastated. The only reason he wanted to stay at his own apartment because he wanted to be alone, but this guy had offered to stay together and his mother even approved it. With all the drama he makes, he couldn't take back on his words so, he had to get along with that decision.

The first two weeks living in the same apartment, Kimmon didn't talk with Tae, and treated like Tae never existed. But Kimmon had a problem. Being living in that big mansion, he never learns how to cook, and even turning on the stove scares him. So, he had to eat out or make an order, not even looking at the food prepared by Tae every day. After two weeks of eating out, order delivery, Kimmon already tired of it, and was missing home cooked meal. It was evening after work, when he came back to an empty apartment with foods under cover.

Since the food looked so delicious and mouthwatering, without Tae around, Kimmon takes no time to waste but to eat all those delicious looking meal, even if it's an ordinary menu, but it was a home cooked meal that Kimmon missed so much at that time.

When Tae came back home with a plastic back in his hand, Kimmon was choking his mouthful food, making Tae anxious to get the water for him to drink. Tae was stunned when he looked at Kimmon's red face because of choking but the redness took longer since added with the effect of blushed cause of embarrassing feelings, and later when he was grinning out of shyness, Tae thought his world had stopped for a moment.

"I missed home cook meal, and I don't know you are a good cook." That was the very first sentence Kimmon had said to him, that he felt over the moon after trying to get the attention of his stepbrother.

"I'm happy you like it. Next time just tell me what you want to eat, I'll cook for you." Tae said.

"Really? You would do that?" Kimmon suddenly asked excitedly making Tae shocked but in a good way, seeing how Kimmon excited for the first time.

"Of course. Just tell me. Not just about food, about anything else too. I promise to take care of you." Kimmon was pouting hearing Tae that somehow Tae really thought that that was so cute.

"I'm not a child. I'm a deputy director of a big company for sake. But yes, I'll tell you if I want to eat anything. If I don't, from now on, I will eat anything you that okay with you?" Tae was nodding while smile his flash white teeth smile, making Kimmon happier seeing that. He didn't know why, but Tae's smile makes him so happy, he didn't understand, and didn't even ponder, but to just enjoy the feelings.

"Of course. But, can I ask you to call me, P'Tae?" said Tae since Kimmon basically never called him with his name, and somehow he wanted to hear it. He didn't have any siblings and watched his friends and their siblings sometime making him feel jealous. Now, that he had a brother, he wanted to know how that makes him feel. He wanted that feel.

"Yes, and thank you, P'Tae. I'm sorry I've been rude to you all this time. I know I was ridiculous, but my ego couldn't let me surrender and facing you. Now that we are talking, I really want to apologize to you." Hearing Kimmon called him P'Tae is one thing, but even apologize? Tae felt he was so small compare to his stepbrother and that he couldn't feel the ground underneath him.

"There's nothing to apologize for." They were smiling at each other, and for the first time since they knew each other, they had playing games till late at night after that talking, getting to know each other and everyday after makes them felt happy than the day before, and they had done things together almost in everything.

After weeks of living together, their parents suddenly announce that they will travel around the world, leaving the business to Kimmon and Kimmon for Tae to take care of, which of course he keeps emphasizing telling all of them that he wasn't a kid.

After months spending time together, living together, getting to know each other, Tae and Kimmon felt really contented and blissful. They never thought having another person to spend time together with will make things so much different. They could live like this forever, three weeks ago, that changed everything.

In one weekend night, they both were lazy going out to any bars or clubs that they were spending time in house playing game a bit, but lots of it was drinking.

Tae didn't know what came over him, when suddenly he pulled Kimmon into a deep kiss, which Kimmon was shocked at first but was replying the kiss seconds later. It started with slow and tender kiss, when it slowly starting to get rough and needy. In no time, all their clothes were flying, and they make loves to each other that night with Tae pouring his heart and lust out saying how much he loves Kimmon.

Came morning, he came to his senses, realize what they had done with their current condition, Tae couldn't face Kimmon and couldn't forgive himself. He was out of the house, not getting back home, not even picking up Kimmon's call, until Tee happened.

Now, that he think about it again, how stupid was he, leaving Kimmon alone flabbergasted and afraid while he succumb to his own miseries. Kimmon might have feeling the same, or even worse than him since Kimmon had never done those things he did to him with anyone, and he wasn't make it easy for him too that night.

Instead of facing their feelings together, he ran away.

Instead of fixing their situation, he chose to turn to some strangers.

Instead treating Kimmon better, he makes it worse.

He is such a coward and a loser, that he promise himself not to repeat the same mistake again. No matter what happened later, between them and their parents or anyone else, he will protect Kimmon and protect what they have between them.

"P'Tae....." Kimmon's sad voice taking him out from his train of thoughts making him shocked looking at crying Kimmon at the kitchen door.

End of Chapter 8

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