Chapter 4

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"It's for you." Tee was shocked when suddenly a pack of food in a see through plastic bag was hanging in front of his face, making him looking up from the cold hands in his hold to the person offering him the food. He was shocked was understatement. It's been three weeks since the doctor declare Copter was fall in coma, and since then Bas had never talked to him and just ignore him, even though they both were actually taking care of Copter together.

Godt will come in his free time, whenever he can, since he worked at the same hospital where Copter was in. The three of them were actually working there. Tee was taking a long unpaid leave so that he could take care of Copter, despite Godt saying that he didn't have to. Bas was willingly wanted to care for Copter.

Tee still taking his time processing the things happening to him now. "You only eat junk food, or unhealthy foods. It wasn't good for someone who was taking care of a sick person, because he could fall sick himself. Take better care of yourself, or are you doing this on purpose? For my sympathy?"

Bas keeps on talking, while putting the food on the table beside Tee's seat. He would just walk to the opposite direction, taking his usual seat. Tee couldn't answer the guy, since he didn't know how to reply properly to the guy.

The ward room fall back into it usual quiet when suddenly Bas had talked again.

"I've been thinking to ask you all this time. Why, Tee? Why did you do that to Copter?" there, it came again the question that everybody had been asking, even he himself keeps on questioning himself of the reason why.

"You couldn't give the answer to P'Godt. Now, can you at least tell me the reason?"

Tee was looking at Bas who was actually looking straight at him, demanding the answer that Tee couldn't possibly give him. How could he when he didn't know the answer either. If he gave them shitty reason, they will all hate him more. Not that he afraid they will hate him more, because he knew he actually deserves it. It's just that he didn't know how to give them the answer.

"Because I'm stupid." That was all he could come up with.

"Then, Copter is the most stupid person in this world for loving and trusting a stupid person like you." That was all Bas said before things back to the way they were before, leaving Tee dumbfounded hearing that.

"So, how is everyone today? Especially the sweet guy on the bed." Came Dr. Thila for her round to come and check Copter making Tee and Bas standing up, giving her and the nurse space to check on Copter.

Once Dr. Thila had done checking on Copter and the nurse help her recorded the data on the chart, she signaled to Tee and Bas to come near.

"His breathing is stable, and by the look of it, he shouldn't have any problems to not waking up. Keeps on encouraging him, I hope we will get good news soon. Dr. Tee, you can monitor his chart for your own satisfaction on your own, just don't touch my chart record. If anything, you can just call me. If you'll excuse me."

Dr. Thila had left right away after conveying her check-up result on Copter to Bas and Tee. Bas and Tee had look at each other for a while after Dr. Thila left with the words stuck in their own mind but then their silent had been broken by the ringtone of Bas's phone.

"P'Godt, I missed you." Bas had said right away once he saw the caller's name.

"I missed you too, baby. It's already past the time Dr. Thila would check on Copter. What did she said?" Godt had asked Bas right away once he said hi to his baby.

"She said Copter is okay, and that it shouldn't be any problem for him to wake up. Why don't you free your schedule tonight so that you could be here together with us? He needs us the most P'Godt." Replied Bas while Tee who was seating at his seat couldn't help but to hear Bas said that.

"I know, and I will. You don't have to worry so much, okay, baby? Copter will wakes up, and he will laugh with us in no time. Believe me, he will, so don't worry, okay?"

Bas was smiling and nodding his head. The positivity of his boyfriend that makes him feel relieved every time they were facing a hard time. Godt is really good at facing any crisis, be it at work, or personal life.

"Yes, P'Godt. I believe you. See you later." Bas had end the call right away and take his seat back. He took the wet towel and wipe Copter's body, which Tee had helped him too.

On the first day Copter was hospitalized, Tee was reluctant when he watch Bas wiping Copter's whole body until Bas had tells him that they were actually growing up like a brother. Sharing a bath wasn't even a strange thing between them two, and it's not like Tee was ignorance about that fact. It's just that to Tee, it was supposed to be his responsibility, yet Bas had shout at his face that for him, now, Copter is his responsibility, after what Tee had done, and Tee didn't have the right to deny him that. Copter is his family, and will forever be, with or without Tee.

"What is your plan after he wakes up?" Bas suddenly, again, asked Tee after they both had done wiping Copter's body and change the ward room uniform. Bas was very talkative today that making Tee bewildered. Maybe Bas was worried about Copter's reaction after waking up.

"I don't really sure. All I want is to ask for his forgiveness, and for him to give me a second chance."

"And how do you planning on to do that? Kneeling? Or what?" Bas was still questioning Tee, making Tee stunned, wasn't really sure of the answer. He knows he wanted to ask for forgiveness, but he didn't think to that extends. Since for him, if he needs to beg, he will, even kneeling, he will.

Bas's chuckled making Tee out from his trance.

"How long have you both been married? Been a couple?" Bas had asked making Tee blinking still couldn't give the proper answer since Bas actually knew the answer for his own question.

"I thought you know him, Tee. It turns out, you didn't know him at all. I saw how you treated him, and I was so convinced that you really loves him, that I was feeling relieved Copter had someone after he had lose his parents. Turns out, I was wrong. I feel so disappointed in you, again and again. Can't believe I let you fool him, and fool me like this. What loves is to you, Tee? Sex? Sleeping on the same bed? Laughing together? What is loves to you? You should ponder on that before you face him once again, after he wakes up. Once you have the answer, you know what to do."

Bas's words making Tee flabbergasted. He couldn't really processed a word Bas had said. Not that he was slow, or stupid, heck, he is a doctor for sake, but then all those words were really unexpected that he didn't know how to respond to it.

End of Chapter 4

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