Chapter 29

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The ringing of the phone makes Tee opened his eyes. He was about to reach for the phone even he couldn't opened his eyes only to feel something smooth and hard under his touch, making him opening his eyes.

Only then he could see that he was sleeping on Tae's arm and Kimmon too was spooning him on the other side. The memories of the wild night, the first night they spend together with the three of them, came rushing to him, that makes him blushed uncontrollably, forgetting for a while of the reason that wakes him up.

But his thought was disturbed by the ringing of the tone once again, making him trying to get himself up, hissing in pain just to reach for the phone on the bedside table. He was frowning when seeing the caller id, but was answering it right away without much thinking.

"Bas, are you okay? It was rarely for you to call me this early." Tee heard the sobbing instead of an answer, making him more worried, and was sitting up straight, though he was hissing, but that was the last thing in his mind right now.

"Bas, Bas, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Talk to me Bas." The anxious tone of Tee making Tae and Kimmon waking up, but Tee still focused on Bas in the phone.

"Tee, please, I don't know what to do. Help me, help P'Godt, please."

"Hey, calm down, tell me what happened. Is this about Cop?"

"P'Godt....he...his family...his father.....disowned him...P'Godt is hurting, but I couldn't help. I'm so useless, Tee. I don't know what to do."

"I'll be there. Don't worry, he will be okay. You just have to calm down, okay?"

Tee was cutting off the call but then he had to feed the curiousity of Tae and Kimmon.

"I need to go to my friend's house. My friend's dad had disown him." Hearing Tee, Tae and Kimmon was shocked. What kind of parent would disown their own child? It flash right into their mind, but they knew Tee needs their help. Well, literally Kimmon too, but he asked Tae to help Tee first and he will manage. They will come together with Tee to the friend's house. It's their chance to get to know more about Tee too.


"Bas." Bas who was sitting on the sofa looking down and lost in his own thoughts looks like in a mess. He was looking up when he heard his name called, and Tee was fast coming to him.

Bas had stand up right away running to Tee, pounding and hugging the guy while he was crying, ignoring the other person who came together with Tee, triggering something inside Tae and Kimmon's heart. But then, Kimmon couldn't focused on that strange feelings inside him when he saw the familiar face.

"Mr. Bas?" Hearing Kimmon, Bas was looking up from inside Tee's hug, to the face that he thought as a new friend. "Don't tell me Mr. Panitchasawad disowned you? That was impossible. Mr....."

"Kim..." Tee was the one stopping Kimmon from his thoughtfulness that he was voicing out.

"I don't know how you know Bas, but we will get to it later. For now, for your assumption, that was wrong. We are talking about Bas's boyfriend, not him. His boyfriend is also a friend of mine, a best friend on top of it." Tee then turning, looking down at Bas in his hug.

"Where is he?" Bas was looking up at Tee for a while and then pulling out from the hugs and still in the arm's length, he answered.

"In his room, since yesterday. No matter what I did, he wouldn't budge. Didn't even respond, didn't even eat anything. I don't know how to persuade him anymore, and I wasn't really clear about his relationship and his parents, only Cop knows better. He kept it to himself about it, not talking about it much."

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