Chapter 26

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"Dr. Copter came to me that day telling me that he wasn't emotionally stable and that would affect his job since he works with kids. He said he had tried, but it was hard. And besides, Nurse Fay had told me that he had a few black outs but he was just taking IV fluid, telling her that he was just tired. But don't worry, Nurse Fay also makes him check his health later, and he definitely alright. I wonder if you realize, but Nurse Fay had told me, he wasn't eaten for days. He just couldn't, that's what he says."

Godt felt he was being stabbed with every words coming out from Suthee's mouth, how oblivious he was on Copter's conditions when he was drowned in his own mind space.

"He asked for resignation, because he felt he wasn't belong here, and at the same time he did makes a lot of mistake, he didn't want to jeopardize his patient because of his condition. I was trying to persuade him to just take a vacation instead, but he said he already had too much vacation. Who referred a medical leave as a vacation? But he insisted and had asked me not to talk about this. That is until someone had asked about it. I asked about his plan...."

Hearing the word plan, Godt had fast looking up, turning to his right, looking straight at Suthee when all this time all he did was looking down, when he was taking a seat at the sofa on Suthee's left.

"And? What did he said?" Godt asked impatiently.

"All he said that he wanted to go someplace far away, to find peace. But as I look at him, I don't think he could find peace, he was just running away, and as bluntly as I always am, I told him that. He just said, if it would make things better, it doesn't matter. Then he left. That's all."


Godt was walking out from Dr. Suthee's room feeling dejected more than ever. He was just walking weakly heading to his department, wonder if he could do a proper job with his head full of Copter now. Well, it wasn't just today, but he thought that today it gets worse. He walks mindlessly when he reached his office room only to be greet by an unwanted existent, Pring.

"Godt, where have you been? I was waiting for you for so long and all those stupid nurses didn't even let me get into your office room." Pring had come latched her hand on his arm right away while complaining with that silly tone he was sick of. He didn't have time to entertain this now. Copter had gone, and he need to find the guy. That was all he could think of, other than work. He didn't need this.

Godt was pulling Pring's hold off of his arm, and had hold her on her upper arm, pushing her at an arm length away from him, making Pring shocked with it. She knows that Godt had never loves her from the beginning, but he never pushed her away before.

While looking straight at her, Godt said, "Pring, I told you many times, and I will tell you again and again. I don't love you and will never love you. My heart is full of love for Bas, and..... well, it could never be you, no matter what. I know the reason you keep coming here because I didn't open up to my parents about my love, but I will. So, you don't have to come here looking for me again, please. It was hard for me as it is, I hope you didn't add to it."

Pring then taking Godt's hand on her hold, begging him, didn't even care if all those nurses watching how desperate she was.

"No, I'm sure you will come to me. Your parents will made you. You know them, I know them. I will make you happy Godt, I'll do anything, I'm sure we could both be...." Godt was pushing Pring's hold quite harshly this time. He was stressed, and he was tired.

"Please, understand! It's been years, Pring. You could have looking for a better man for yourself instead! Please, stop all this nonsense. I've made up my mind, no matter how hard my parents will make me, I will stand with my decision and my choice, and I confidently telling you, that it's not you. It has never be, and it never will. Just leave me be."

Finished his words, Godt had walked past Pring heading to his office room, with all the nurses and a few patients around just watch their bickering.


Godt was just slowly preparing to go back home when the door of his office blast opened and his parents appeared from behind the door.

"Dad, what....."

"What did you do this time?" His father had approach him harshly, talking in not very kind tone as always.

"What are you talking about?" Godt was confused. His father rarely came to him, nor coming to any event in his school life until his graduation, that even him being here was a surprised to him.

"Pring came home crying after coming to see you and her parents called me right away. You were supposed to come to that dinner, and I still forgive you for that. But are getting more hot headed, now that you are a doctor? Huh?" His father will just talked to him harshly and his mother just standing there with unreadable expression as she always be. Though, sometime he could see some emotion in her eyes, but then, it was never enough.

"You came here, running, because of her? Dad, I'm your son, not her. You never came for me, in any event, but you came rushing just because she was crying? Why is she more important than your son?" It wasn't his intention to raise his voice, but he guessed his pent up feelings all these years lets it out itself.

"There is nothing more important than my company. Not you, and not even her, but her father's company is. You were supposed to be the reason of the merger that will help my company's growth, but I guess you had abandoned me and my company long before you decided to take your own path." His father's words were ridiculous, but at the same time he felt hurt by the words, even though he could always expected it. Well, his father never coated his words since he was born to understand words.

"Me, abandoned you? Wasn't it was suppose the other way around? I....."

"You might had misunderstood something. You were supposed to be thankful that you are still my son till this day. But I guess, this is the last day you will call me dad, I'll make sure of it." Godt was frowning.

"Dad, what are you trying to say?" Godt was nervous, his heart beating fast, and he was afraid to hear the word his father was about to say which he wished with his full heart that it wasn't what he thought that will be.

"Obvious, isn't it? You've disobeyed me when you decided to take this path of medical field. But then I thought you could still helped me with the merger because I heard about his daughter dotted on you. But now that you've had your own decision, instead of listening to mine, I guess you have never been one of mine, and I should knew it since you were a child. And now that I've confirmed it, you'll never be. Godt Itthipat, from today onwards, you will be no longer a Tharnit, and don't call me dad anymore. And yes, I abandoned you for real, now. I only had one son, that is, your-half older brother."

Bryan Tharnit left right away while Peraya was just standing there looking at her dumbfounded son, for a while before hearing her husband screaming for her name, making her walked away, without even saying a word to her son.

Godt was dumbfounded. He was stunned, quietly stoned on his seat. He couldn't think, nor do anything. For a while, all he could see was dark and only dark.

End of Chapter 26

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