Chapter 27

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"Young master, we are here." The 9 year old Godt was looking down on his own hands. He didn't want to get out of the car, and walked through the gate into the school area. The driver was looking at the back seat of the car, feeling sympathy to the poor young master, who he knew didn't get much attention in the family.

"Young Master?" the little boy looking up at the driver with his sad eyes.

"Can I not go to school, uncle Bob? I hate school." Uncle Bob was sighing, understand his young master's condition, but at the same time, he already had been warned by his master that to make sure the boy to go to school no matter what.

"I'm sorry Young Master. Master had warned me to make sure you go inside." The young boy just sighing. He was a loner, and with his cold expression, many kids hated him at the school. Some of them even bullied him for no reason, and even if he could fight, he will be the one to blame at the end of the day, by the teacher, those bad boys parents, and unfortunately by his father too. His mother will always just stand there and do nothing to protect him every time his father beating him and lashing out on him sometime even for no reason.

Slowly, the little hands pulled the door handle and walked out of the car and he was looking up. Taking in deep breath, he started to make his way in, through the gate and straight to the building where the classes were at.

Godt put on his cold expression, walked through the hallway to his classroom, without even caring how the girls ogling him, and how the boys hated him for that. Arrived at his classroom, he took his seat right away and was leaning his head on the desk, pretending to be sleeping since he had no one he could talk to nor anyone will come talking to him.

After a while, the ring bell and a teacher came in. With a boring expression, and lazily getting up straight, Godt standing up when the class monitor shout the word "stand up" and waii to the teacher while greeting her.

"Okay class, we will have a task for English class today. But the task needs to be done in pair, but since we have an odd number of student in class, we will have a group of three. Okay, move and sit with your pair of your choice right now."

Hearing the teacher, Godt had heaved a sigh. For sure no one would want him in their group nor be pair with him. He hates everything about school, but he hates this situation even more. He decided not to care, but he knew for sure the teacher will do something about it.

Once everyone was seating with their pair, Godt was still alone, and the teacher who was looking around spotted Godt who was still alone.

"Oh, Itthipat here still didn't have a group. Anyone would want to accept him in your group?" the class was all silence while everyone was looking at each other's face while no one willing to. Godt was just about to suggest he'll do it alone when suddenly a little fair skin hand was raised up, making everyone turned to him, including his pair.

"I'm not going to be in a group with him." His pair was the one voiced it first before the teacher had said anything.

"Then you can go into another group. I will be paired with him." The boy would just stand up and walked his way to where Godt was sitting. Godt was stunned, very shocked with this boy behavior. He knew this boy, and they had been in the same class for two years, but they never had any encounter nor had a conversation with each other. Godt just watched the boy who was casually taking the empty seat beside him, putting down his notes and stationery on the desk.

"Okay, so your task today will have to make a conversation with your partner while introducing yourself in English and record your conversation." Once the teacher let the students with their task, the stranger boy turned to Godt.

"I'm bad at this. I know you are good in this, and that you had good grades. Can you at least write it for me before we record anything? That is, if you are okay with it." The boy's tone was unsure and Godt didn't even respond to him.

"Anyway, my name is Copter. I know your name, Godt, right?" the boy named Copter keeps on talking even though Godt didn't give him any response.

"Do you hate me? That's why you didn't answer me, right? Do you not want me to be pair with you?" suddenly the boy asked making Godt frowned. "I thought you are the one who hated me."

"Okay, so you actually knew how to talk." The boy was smiling at Godt, revealing the dimple making Godt even more stunned than he already was.

"So?" The boy's voice had taking Godt out from his thoughts he wasn't even aware he lost it. "Is it okay for you to write the conversation first? I can do it, but I'm afraid it will not turned out as good as you did."

Godt had cleared his throat trying to fix his situation before he could talk as normally as he always do. Coldly, short and clear. "I will." His answer makes Copter smiling again, but Godt was the one who blushed, making him looking down more than he should, trying to hide his own blushed.

Copter was just taking out the tools for the recording while waiting for Godt, and setting it up. After a while, Godt had finished the little conversation they need to record, and pushed the paper to Copter's side, so that Copter could see the paper.

" are really good in this." Copter had said when he read the little conversation that was written on the paper.

"" Copter was trying to read the conversation but ended up laughing at his own pronunciations.

But then, Godt's world had stopped hearing the melodious laugh that sounded so soft and easy to his ear with the even more stunning dimple flashed when the boy laugh than him just smile. For a second, in his young mind, Godt thought that he had gone crazy.


"Where have you been? I thought I told you to come back home straight from school." Godt was shocked when he entered the mansion and was greeted with his father's voice, when he didn't expect the old man was home.

He was looking at his father's back who was seating at the single seat sofa, and was about to answer the older when his father had suddenly standing up and was slapping Godt, making the little boy stumble down the floor because of the impact of the slapping itself and also because of unexpected action taken from the older guy, making Godt couldn't react fast enough.

However, the boy that came home with him was shocked out of his life when he saw Godt had been slapped out of nowhere.

"I hate it when you were not listening to my order, no matter what that is! And who is this little boy?!"

Hearing his father referring to Copter, Godt was fast standing up again and was standing in front of Copter, as a protective gesture, to shield Copter from his angry father.

"He is my friend, dad. We had homework to finish and since our house is nearer and his parents wasn't home, I asked him to come here to finish our homework."

Bryan would just stare at the boys before turning away and leaving them.

End of Chapter 27

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