Chapter 5

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Copter could feel all the pain on his body, that he felt so suffocated, trying to get any help, but he couldn't even lifting his finger, let away his hands. Copter was trying to open his eyes, yet it feels so heavy, but he tried to pry his eyes open anyways. The light so bright blinding him, forcing him to close his eyes back and trying to open it once again. Once his eyes could open and stabilized with the light, he was looking around for anyone, but no one was there.

Yeah, of course no one is here. Tee cheated on him, and might already leaving with that guy. Even if he don't, Copter didn't want to see him now. The hurt that he felt when he saw Tee making out with someone other than him, without reserved with full engagement, and full of lust, came back crushing his already pained body, that he couldn't help but to shed tears.

Tee never showed that side of him in their intimate moment. Tee was so gentle, treated him like he could break any moment. He tried telling Tee, and never failed to make Tee realized that he wouldn't easily break that he could be more of himself, but Tee doesn't listen. To think about it, Tee never listen to Copter if Tee thought all he wanted to do was to pamper Copter.

"Cop, you awake?!" hearing the familiar voice, Copter was turning that way only to see Bas already hugging him who was still lying on the bed, crying. Once Bas stand up from that position, tearing the hugs, he was looking straight to Copter.

"You stupid brother! Are you trying to leave me behind? Do you know how long you were sleeping? Making me worried?" Copter who was still shedding his tears for a different reason now, just shaking his head.

"It's been a month, and every day was so hard for me thinking that I might lose you. Please, don't do that again, or me and P'Godt, we will both coming after you......ahh...I should call the doctor, or she will nagged at me every time she saw me."

Bas had punch the button on Copter's wardroom bed frame for calling the doctor then taking his seat back again, while smiling watching Copter. He was happy, so glad that Copter had woken up. He should also call Godt, so he fished out his phone from his pants pocket and calling the said guy right away.

Tee was just coming back from the canteen, buying lunch for him and Bas, repaying back Bas's kindness yesterday, who bought lunch for him, when he saw that the nurse and doctor was half-running to Copter's wardroom. Without wasting even a second, he was running fast, worried something had happen to Copter.

Once arrived, he was happy seeing a conscious Copter still lying on the bed. He saw Dr. Thila checking on Copter while walking slowly coming closer.

Turning around, Dr. Thila turned to Bas and Tee. "He is fine, but please refrain him from moving too much. His other wound didn't fully heal yet not to say the broken one. I'll come again tonight to check on him." Says Dr. Thila while tapping on Tee's shoulder with a smile on her face. She was happy for them all.

Once Dr. Thila leaving them behind, Tee was coming closer to Copter's bed.

"Cop, baby..." hearing Tee's voice, Copter was fast turning his head to the opposite direction, refuse to look at him, making the situation awkward for Tee. He was about to say something once again but he was stopped when Godt was rushing into the room.

"Cop....." he was running straight hugging Copter on the bed, just like Bas did before. Once he was standing up, tearing the hugs, he looks straight to Copter's eyes.

"Thank you for waking up. We were so worried about you. Please don't do this again. No matter what, you will always have me and Bas. Please remember that, okay?"

With teary eyes, Copter was nodding his head. He felt guilty for making Godt and Bas worried about him so much.

"You will have me too, Cop. I'm really sorry. I...." hearing Tee, both Godt and Bas had looked at Tee, except for Copter.

"Tee, I don't wish to see you right now. Could you please leave us? I'll call you once I ready to talk to you." Said Copter without even looking at Tee.

"Okay, I understand. But, baby, please remember that I really really love you, okay?" Copter didn't give him any reaction and Tee was walking away once he saw that Copter will not respond to him.

Once Tee was leaving Bas had taken a place opposite to Godt. "Are you okay, Cop? Don't think too much and don't stress yourself. It's not good for your injury, okay?"

Bas's words making Godt chuckled, followed by Copter, making Bas frowning.


"Baby, we are both doctor, if you forgotten..." said Godt making Bas scratching his head, Godt and Copter was laughing but then Copter was holding his chest for the pain caused by that laugh, making Bas and Godt alarmed for his condition. Copter would just hold his hand up, since he was forgot for a while that he was broken his ribs. Dr. Thila had explained all of his injury a while ago.

"I'm okay. I can handle this. I was just carried away a little. Thanks Bas, for taking care of me. Sorry for making you and Godt worried about me."

"Tee too...."

"I don't really want to hear his name right now, Bas. I want to take my time, and wanted to focus on healing my injury first. My broken arm and leg might take longer, but I will be fine in a few days. Till then, let's not talking about him, okay?"

Bas and Godt just nodded their head, understanding very well Copter's words.

"Do you want to eat anything? I'll buy it for you." Godt asked.

"Since I can't really eat hard stuff, I'm craving the Auntie's Yam's porridge, near our school. It's been years." Godt chuckled hearing Copter.

"Yes, that was your favourite. Almost every day you were dragging me there." Said Godt while patting on Copter's hair.

"Yes, and he always bought that for me, telling me that was my favorite, when it was actually his." Bas then said making Copter's pouting.

"But you loved to eat it too. Don't lie to me about that." Said Copter.

"Since you bought it for me, of course I will eat it. Why would I waste it?" Bas said making Copter smiling now. "I knew it...hehehe"

"Both of you are very cute. I'll go buy it for you. Bas, baby, you need anything?"

"Since it's been so long, I kind of missed it too. I want the same." Hearing Bas, Copter was smiling even wider and Godt just shaking his head. Well, he actually missed it too, since Copter had brought it up.

"Okay, I'll go first, you two, be good. Bas, make sure he didn't move much. If he needs to go to the toilet, gets help from the male nurse outside, don't do it alone." Bas was nodding his head, while Copter just shaking his head. Godt treated like he is a child, but he didn't want to say anything to that, or Godt could never going out for the food, but to nagged him on and on.

Copter and Bas just watch Godt walking away, and not long after that, Copter was watching Bas who still looking at the door where Godt had disappeared.

"He's gone. There's nothing to look at anymore." Copter's words making Bas's face got red. He still shy every time Copter talked to him about how much he loves Godt and vice versa, making Copter smiled a sad smile looking at him. Bas missed that, every time.

End of Chapter 5

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