Chapter 15

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Bas had opened his eyes slowly to the bright light of sunrise that could be seen through the glass window from their bed. Bas had looking up closely to Godt's calm sleeping face. He was sleeping on his arm, since the guy had hugged him the whole night since his mood was bad when he saw how Copter coming back home in a mess. He looks sad, with red nose, red eyes, and he look so weak that Godt had to help him back to his room.

Without doing anything, he just getting into the blanket, lying down, closing his eyes. Godt and Bas had stayed there for a while, making sure he was sleeping before getting out from his room. Only after that Godt had told him anything that he knew, except for the fact that happened in Tee's house.

He felt sad for Copter, hoping he could do something for the guy. But he couldn't undo the hurt, but at least he hopes Copter depends on him more. But even since they were little, Copter always trying so hard to be strong, at least to make himself look strong in front of Bas, in any situation. Copter hated it to make him look weak in front of Bas, no matter how much Bas told him to rely on him no matter what. Copter always brush that with smile and patting on his head.

Knowing he was weak, and couldn't do anything to help Copter, Bas hugged Godt tightly, trying to convey his inner feelings which without his intention, it wakes Godt up. Feeling the distress oozing out of Bas, Godt had hugged him back while rubbing his back and arm, trying to calm him down.

"Don't worry, you can help him relax today. I already asked for an off day for me and Copter. Mr. Suthee might had been frown for it, but he is a very understanding guy. Let's wakes up, prepare some breakfast for all of us. Let's prepare Copter's favorite."

Hearing Godt, Bas's gets excited right away, thinking that at least he could do something for Copter. Godt just smile watching how cute his boyfriend is and he could understand his boyfriend's worried over Copter. Because he feels the same, if not more.


"But when!" Copter was waking up to the screaming of Bas's voice, making him jolted up, shocked. He was fast running out from his room, making his head spinning for a little, but he was fast recover from it, making Godt and Bas who had argument earlier stopped when they saw Copter coming out from the room.

Slowly, Copter coming closer to them with his curious, but still red and puffy eyes since he couldn't really sleep last night. He felt he was just falling asleep when he heard Bas's shouting. Something he rarely heard and that makes him worried and curious at the same time. What could make Bas screaming this early in the morning? And that, to Godt even.

"What happened?" He asked looking at furious Bas and guilty face of Godt one by one, but no one answering him.

"Bas, why are you shouting? Is there any problem?" Bas was looking at him with teary eyes, but instead of answering him, he walked past Copter getting into his room while blasted the door of the room shut.

Once Bas was already inside the room, Copter turned to Godt for answer. He needs to know, no matter what. Not to interfere, but to at least know how he could help.

"Godt?" Godt was sighing while taking the seat at the sofa and Copter too joined him, still looking at Godt, waiting for an answer.

"I got a call, from my parents." Godt start.

Copter just keeping his quiet while waiting for Godt to continue.

"Tomorrow is my cousin's wedding, and they asked me to come back home. But it wasn't the wedding the reason they were asking me to be there." Godt continue.

"Then, what?" Asking Copter, feeling suspicious. "Don't tell me you still put your parents in the dark about Bas? And the reason they called you because of Pring?"

Godt just looking down not denying Copter's words.

Copter was standing up trying to calm himself down when Godt didn't denied his words, which is indicate that was true.

"How many times I told you, Godt. Until when you want to keep Bas as your little secret? Your parents will never give up on Pring if you never told them about Bas. Why? I don't understand, Godt. Why?"

Godt couldn't answer Copter. It's not that he didn't want to answer the guy, it's just that he couldn't. If he answer him, he needs to tell everything about him, and about how he feels. He was dying to tell, but he knew he can't. So, all he could do was keeping his mouth shut, though he knew Copter and Bas will be very angry at him.


Tee was in a daze. After the truth about himself, that he actually didn't realize, makes him thinking. Or he just let that thought playing in his mind, like a broken record. So, all his feelings for Copter is just an illusion? Obsession? Possession?

He couldn't accept that facts. No, he won't. It wasn't fair for Copter and if that's the truth then Copter is really pitiful. If all those things his mother said is true, that was very mean of him, though he didn't meant it to be that way. Because of that, he wished that Copter was never meeting him and his life would be better off without him. What should he do? How will he face Copter? How will he asked for forgiveness from Copter. Did he even worthy of any forgiveness from him?

Tee's thought stopped together with his car, when he could feel his car had bump into something, and when he was looking ahead, he actually hit the road divider. He lost his mind. Luckily no one is hurt including him but he need to inform the hospital and that he needs to get to the nearest workshop.

He makes the call to the hospital and then drive to the nearest workshop he could find in the map application. After 10 minutes, he arrived and was parking the car right in front of the workshop. He walked out of his car, looking around at so many cars around and wonder if his car could be fix fast.

"Can I help you?" Suddenly Tee heard the voice behind him, making him turning around only to be face to face with a familiar guy.



End of Chapter 15


And one more thing. i don't plan on to make this story long. it was suppose to be short and straightforward....i guess?

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and happy reading;)


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