Chapter 11

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Six months had pass since the day Copter knew Tee was cheating on him. Lots of things happened in his life that Copter felt like a brand new day and new start for him. If it was all true, which is he doubt that. He still feel hurt sometimes, remembering. He still had that feeling at the back of his mind that a person like him doesn't worth any love from anyone. And the worse is that, he sometimes felt jealous of how sweet Godt and Bas is. Now that he officially living with them, even with so much refusal and denial, it still 2 vs 1 fight, and of course, he lost, he always accidentally saw them both been sweet, and caring to each other, also he could see clearly the love in their eyes when they look at each other.

"Cop, are you ready?" Copter heard Godt's voice from behind the door, who was still waiting for him. It his first day coming back to work, and Godt specifically arranged so that he will have the same shift with Copter today, makes Copter feels grateful. He felt awkward to come to work after a long vacation, plus what happened between him and Tee. The whole hospital had already known about them separated, and even though they might forgot about it after all these times, there are always types of people who could remember things like that in a very long time. He knows enough some of the nurses were falling into that category.

"Yeah, a second." Copter take a last look of himself on the mirror before taking his briefcase and heading out. His move didn't really smooth, and standing too long still hurting him, but he could deal with it.

"I thought I need to wait longer. Getting lazy are you? Long vacation get to you?" Copter was rolling his eyes hearing sarcastic comments from Godt, making Godt laughing, since he always thought that Copter's rolling eyes is cute. That's why sometimes he like to make an annoying remark to bring that expression out of Copter.

"I thought we are already late. What are you waiting for? Out of gas? Huh?" Copter then pulling his tongue out, a fast one, before walking away as fast as he could, heading out.

"You!" Godt who started a little late, had running after Copter, all this while Bas had watching these two best friend bickering with each other.

Godt and Copter then drive away, after waving their goodbye to Bas, making Bas's smile sweetly turn to a sad one. Now that Copter had started working again, he felt lonely and quiet at home alone now. But that's not why he had a sad smile earlier.

Bas has always jealous of how carefree Godt is every time he was with Copter and Tee. Copter especially. The heartily laughing came naturally to him every time Copter was there. He often like to annoy Copter, make fun of him, making jokes, that makes their friendship livelier than his relationship.

Because he had never been like that to him. Godt might pamper him almost all the times, care for him, loves him, always smile whenever Godt turns to him and that he was very protective and possessive, but never that. Not that kind of laughing heartily kind of emotion. Not making fun of him. Not something he did out of casually, but it felt like Godt did everything with him by the book. But still, he could still feel Godt's honesty and sincerity, along with the love, and he confident with that since what happen to Copter makes him thinking.

He just felt there is still something lacking between them. He understand that there are no perfect couple, but he didn't want to have any space of doubt between him and Godt.


"Welcome back Dr. Dimples!!!!" Once Copter open his department door, all the nurses and a few doctors were there celebrating his comeback with confetti and all, surprised him for the unexpected small comeback party. He turned to Godt that standing behind him, who was smiling while shrugged his shoulder, which Copter fully suspected that it was all his work. At least, maybe most of it.

Everybody come and approaching him, giving him a small gift and a hug, saying sorry that they couldn't visit him at his home, which Copter replied with a smile that he understands. The little time they got out of job is most for spending with families, so, of course he understands.

Once they were finished greet each other, everyone disperse to their task hurriedly while Copter turned to the goofy smile on Godt's face.

"You know very well how I hate surprise. Why are you doing all this?" Copter said coming closer to Godt.

Godt: "Come on, it's their idea. I just didn't want to disappoint them. Anyway, there is something you need to know.  I don't know how to tell, but before you heard it around, I think I should tell you first."

Copter: "What?"

Godt: "There are two separate small group in the hospital."

Copter: "What group?" Asked Copter with a frowning.

Godt: "Your supporters and Tee's supporters."

Copter: "What for? Is there any election? Did I participate in something without realized it?"

Hearing how oblivious Copter is making Godt smile while shaking his head. Copter is always like that. He never realized how cute he is and how most of people adored him because of it. But, to him, people hated him because of his grumpy mood, and him being not so friendly and a quiet person most of the times. But he forget, how he always smile a dimple smile to his patient and to the people he knows, that could hook anyone with just that dimple smile from him. He never realize how powerful his smile is.

"Whatever. Just know that I already warned you. I need to go before anyone looking for me. See you tonight." Godt just left making Copter scoffed.

"Next time don't warn me anything if you not going to tell me the gist of it. Making me curious then left me hanging." But Godt just walked away while waving his hand without turning to Copter making Copter scowled. But then, only then he remembered he needs to actually see his chief of department. He is already late for that.


"P'Tae, I'll be home late today. I have a lunch and dinner meeting. You don't need to cook for me and wait for me, okay?" Kimmon said that while they both having a breakfast before going to work.

"Okay, but make sure you eat properly during your meeting. If anything, just call me. But make sure how late you finished your work, I still want you to come back home and have proper rest. If you are too tired to drive, called me, any time. Okay?"

Kimmon just smile tenderly hearing Tae. "Yes, P'Tae. I will. How many times will you remind me?"

"Every time. Because you tend to think to not want to make a trouble for me. Let me tell you young man, everything about you is my trouble. So, remember that."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I'll running late. Love you P'Tae." Said Kimmon standing up while sipping his last drop of his coffee, taking his briefcase and running out before Tae could continue to nag at him.

Tae was scratching the back of his head. He never realized he could be this......that he could nagged so much. He didn't meant it that way actually. Because he remember the days that Kimmon still hated for them living together, that some time if he was too busy, he didn't even coming home and he was looking thinner and very messy and Tae didn't want him to do that again. Not to mention he didn't even know how he managed his meal before, whether he actually have proper meal or not.

Tae was sighing before standing up, clearing the table and finished the chores before heading out for his work.

End of Chapter 11

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