Chapter 5 - A meeting of minds

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Quinn walked through the grand halls of the royal palace, her steps echoing against the glossy wooden floors. As she passed the marble pillars and stone statues that stared at her with unseeing eyes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. This was her home, but it was also a place of power and politics, a place where she was just a pawn in her parent's game.

Finally, Quinn was escorted to the throne room, where her parents stood waiting. Queen Sofia and King Scott rushed forward to embrace her, their arms tight around her as they welcomed her back home.

"We are so glad to see you, my dear," said Queen Sofia, her voice warm with affection.

"We've missed you, Quinn," added King Scott, his eyes shining with pride.

Quinn's heart swelled with warmth and happiness as she embraced her parents. Though she only spent a day away in Thalassia, the familiar scent of their perfume and the warmth of their bodies was comforting and reassuring.

"Quinn, we have a guest waiting for you. Prince Alexander has arrived, and we are to have lunch with him in the dining hall. You must get dressed and ready."

Quinn's heart shattered into a million pieces as her parents released their embrace and delivered the news about Prince Alexander. Her chest tightened, and her breath became shallow as disappointment and despair washed over her like a tidal wave. The promise she made to her newfound friends in Thalassia was still fresh in her mind, and the thought of not being able to fulfill it made her stomach churn.

"Already here?" Quinn's voice trembled with a mix of sorrow and frustration. "Can't I have just one day to recover from my exhausting adventure in Thalassia?"

"I understand how you feel, my dear, but Prince Alexander has been waiting for you since last night," replied King Scott, his tone sympathetic but firm. "It wouldn't be polite to keep him waiting any longer."

Quinn lowered her head, feeling the weight of duty and obligation settle heavily on her shoulders. "Very well," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "I'll meet with the prince."

As she dressed in one of her finest anarumono, The beautiful dress, which was made of a rich silk fabric, glimmered in the light from the window. The anarumono was a stunning shade of emerald green. The silk shimmered like the scales of a dragon in the sunlight, flowing gently as Quinn moved.

The dress had a fitted bodice with delicate embroidery of gold and silver threads, that seemed to sparkle and catch the light in the most enchanting way. The embroidery was reminiscent of the intricate patterns one might find on a butterfly's wings. The skirt of the dress was long and flowing, with layers of silk that rustled like the leaves of a tree as Quinn moved. The sleeves were long and flowing like a stream, complementing the elegant dress.

As soon as Quinn was finished getting dressed, she made her way down the spiral staircase, her dress flowing behind her like a river of silk. She couldn't shake off the feeling of nervousness that settled in her stomach, making her wonder if she should have stayed in her room instead. But duty called, and she knew she couldn't keep Prince Alexander waiting.

As she approached the dining room, the scent of roasted meat and fresh bread wafted through the air, making her stomach growl. The doors were slightly ajar, and she could hear the faint sound of conversation between her parents and the visiting prince. She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady herself, before the guards gently pushed the doors open to reveal the luxurious dining room.

As Quinn stepped through the doors, she was greeted with the familiar architecture of the room before her. The walls were pristine, coated with a pure white paint that highlighted the vivid details of the art and sculptures that adorned them. The lighting was arranged in a way that cast intricate shadows that danced across the walls, like spirits flitting through the air. The room's focal point was a mural painted on the ceiling, depicting the four elements of nature - fire, water, earth, and air - intertwining and flowing in perfect harmony.

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