Chapter 3 - The forbidden art

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Quinn lied in her bed, tossing, and turning, unable to escape the biting chill that seemed to grip her bones. She shivered beneath the thin blanket, her teeth chattering together as she tried in vain to find a comfortable position. The thought of escape had been tempting her all night, a beacon of hope that seemed to shine brighter with each passing moment of discomfort.

And so, with a sudden resolve, Quinn sprang from her bed, her bare feet hitting the cold floor. Quinn tiptoed past James and Nimbus who were asleep on the kitchen floor, trying not to make a sound. She could hear their soft snores and the occasional creak of the wooden floorboards under her feet. She tried to move as quietly as possible, her heart racing with the thrill of the escape. She had to get out of there, but she couldn't let them know she was leaving.

She could see the two of them clearly, James sprawled out on his back with his arm thrown over his face, and Nimbus curled up in a ball, his tiny snout twitching every now and then. She tried to hold her breath as she inched her way past them, but she couldn't help but release a tiny sigh of relief when she finally made it past them.

She could feel the cold night air on her skin as she made her way out of the kitchen and towards the entrance. Quinn approached the entrance with caution, looking back to make sure James and Nimbus were still soundly asleep on the kitchen floor. She had to escape, and this was her chance. The entrance was made of rubble and wood and seemed like a challenging climb, but she was determined.

As she began to scale the entrance, she struggled with the rough surface and her weak arms. Her heart was racing, and she was afraid she might slip and fall. The wood was slippery, and the rocks were unstable. Every time she tried to find a firm hold, it seemed to crumble under her fingers. Her arms felt like they were giving up, but she refused to let her determination falter. She had to make it out.

Just when she thought she couldn't go on any longer, her foot slipped. She felt herself falling and panic set in. Suddenly, a hand reached out from above and grabbed hold of hers, pulling her up and through the opening. Quinn was surprised and relieved. With a pounding heart, Quinn cast her gaze upward, searching for the source of the hand that had pulled her to safety. To her shock, she found herself staring into the face of Erika. The sudden realization that her escape attempt had been thwarted sent a wave of fear coursing through Quinn's veins. She felt a moment of panic grip her as she wondered what Erika would do next.

"Trying to escape, are we?" Erika asked with a smirk.

"Maybe..." Quinn replied, her voice small and embarrassed.

"Not a smart idea, especially at this time of night. It's dangerous out there, more dangerous than poisoned water." Erika said, her tone stern but not unkind.

They sat in silence for a moment, both staring out at the night sky. The chill of the night crept into Quinn's bones, and she shivered, trying to warm herself up by rubbing her arms. Erika noticed and asked, "Are you cold?" Quinn nodded, grateful for the concern. Erika then stood up and said, "Here, follow me. I know a place."

Quinn hesitantly followed Erika up the rubble of the building, leading her into another cave area.

As Quinn climbed up the rubble of the building, she was taken aback by the breathtaking sight before her. On one side was the dazzling city of Luminar, where the lights shimmered and glimmered like stars in the night sky. The city was a place of liberation and freedom, where magic flowed through the streets and everything felt possible. On the other side was the desolate and dark city of Thalassia, where the air was thick with a sense of cold and loneliness. The stark contrast between the two prefectures was overwhelming to Quinn, and she couldn't help but feel the weight of their proximity to each other. Despite being so close, it felt as though the two prefectures were worlds apart. Quinn felt a mix of awe, wonder, and sadness as she gazed upon the scene before her, and she couldn't help but think about the overwhelming disparity between these two places.

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