Chapter 20 - Blind paranoia

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The night sky was howling, and dark clouds obscured the stars. The rain was relentless, pattering against the windows of Eldriador palace. Quinn was fast asleep when she heard knocking on her window. She rubbed her eyes, feeling confused, and opened the window to see James, Erika, and Felicity waiting outside.

Quinn's heart leaped with joy at the sight of her friends, but her happiness was short-lived. She remembered her agreement with her family that she would never see Erika or her friends from Thalassia again. The tension in the room was palpable as they tried to convince her to leave.

"Quinn, you have to come with us," James pleaded, his voice barely audible over the pounding rain.

"I can't," Quinn said, feeling uncertain and on the fence. "I promised my family."

"Your family doesn't care about you like we do," Felicity said, her voice filled with conviction.

"Quinn, please," Felicity begged, taking her hand. "You don't belong here. You belong with us."

Quinn's heart raced as she looked around the room, searching for an answer. The storm outside raged on, mirroring the turmoil inside her mind. She knew that her family would be furious if she left, but she couldn't deny the pull of her friends' words.

"I don't know," Quinn said, her voice shaking. "I'm scared."

"We'll protect you," Erika said, taking her other hand. "We won't let anything happen to you."

Quinn closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling torn. She wanted to go with her friends, to escape the palace and the expectations of her family. But she also didn't want to betray their trust and break her promise.

Suddenly, Felicity took charge. "We don't have time for this," she said firmly. "We're kidnapping you."

Quinn's eyes widened in shock as Felicity tied a piece of fabric around her mouth to muffle her voice. James lifted her up over his shoulder, and Quinn instinctively fidgeted to be released but was weak in strength.

James signaled to the others to follow him as they sneaked out of Quinn's room, their steps light and silent as they tiptoed down the long corridors and stairs. The sound of their footsteps was muffled by the pounding rain, but they still had to be cautious and avoid the guards patrolling the palace.

They hugged the shadows, ducking behind pillars and statues when they heard footsteps approaching. Quinn's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to keep up with her friends, her eyes darting around nervously for any sign of danger.

The guards were on high alert due to the storm, and the group had to move slowly and carefully to avoid being caught. Every creak of the floorboards or rustle of fabric made them freeze in their tracks, hearts pounding with fear.

As they finally made it to the back entrance of the palace, they breathed a collective sigh of relief. James cautiously pushed open the door, scanning the area for any sign of danger before motioning for the others to follow.

They slipped out into the streets, moving quickly and silently through the dark and rain. Every alleyway, every shadow, held the possibility of danger, and they had to be on their guard every step of the way.

The sound of the rain was the only thing that accompanied their hurried footsteps as they made their way through the deserted streets of Eldriador. Quinn's heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel her pulse quickening with each step they took. She kept glancing around, half-expecting to see a guard or a member of her family come rushing towards them at any moment.

They passed by dark alleyways and deserted shops, all shrouded in the thick blanket of rain and darkness. The only sound was the soft patter of their footsteps as they made their way towards the outskirts of the city. Quinn felt a lump forming in her throat as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had just escaped from her own palace, and was now running away from her own family.

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