Chapter 19 - A Princess's Regret: The Consequences of Compliance

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Princess Quinn sat at the dinner table with her family, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of Erika. She couldn't help but wonder how long her friend would be detained for. The dinner was a tense affair. The clinking of silverware and glasses was the only sound as the royal family ate in silence. It wasn't long before Quinn brought up the subject, her voice hesitant.

"Father, Mother, Alexander," she began. "How long will Erika be detained for?"

Prince Alexander, Queen Sofia, and King Scott exchanged a quick, knowing glance, each acknowledging that the time had come to make a final decision. Alexander took a sip of his wine, cleared his throat, and addressed Quinn in a stern tone. "Erika is a bad influence on you, Quinn," he said firmly. "She is distracting you from your duties as a princess and leading you astray. We cannot have that kind of behaviour from the princess of Eldriador."

Quinn felt her anger rising at her brother's words. "That is not fair, Alexander!" she retorted. "Erika is my friend, and she's not doing anything wrong. We are just trying to help Thalassia."

Queen Sofia interjected, her voice smooth and soothing. "Quinn, dear, we are not saying that Erika is a bad person. We just think that perhaps it would be best for you to distance yourself from her and your other Thalassian friends. It's for your own good, darling."

King Scott chimed in as well. "Yes, Quinn, think of it as a sacrifice you must make for the good of the kingdom. We can't have you getting distracted by these outside influences."

Quinn felt her resolve starting to crumble. Quinn's heart felt heavy as she contemplated the weight of her family's expectations. She had always felt the pressure to be the perfect princess, to make the right decisions, and to never falter in her duties. But this decision felt different. It felt like she was being forced to choose between her friends and her family.

As she sighed heavily, she felt the weight of her own disappointment in herself. She wanted to stand up for her friends, to fight for what was right, but the reality of the situation seemed too daunting. Her stomach felt like a pit of anxiety, and her hands shook with the effort to keep her composure.

Her eyes flicked from her family to the door, yearning to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the palace. She felt a lump form in her throat as she realized the gravity of her decision. Cutting off contact with her friends would mean losing a part of herself, a part of her past, and a part of her future.

Quinn's shoulders slumped forward as she tried to hold back tears. She felt like she was betraying Erika and her other friends, but she also felt like she had no other choice. The pressure from her family was too great, and the weight of her own responsibilities felt too heavy. "Fine," she said finally. "I'll agree to your terms. But I want to say goodbye to Erika tonight before she leaves."

Prince Alexander nodded, a hint of a smirk on his lips. "Of course, Quinn. We want you to be happy, after all."

As the dinner ended, Quinn felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside her. She was angry at her family for making her choose between them and her friends, but she was also feeling guilty for not being able to stand up to them. She walked with a heavy heart towards the detainment ward, knowing that she was about to lose someone who had been a true friend to her.

When she saw Erika, her heart sank even further. Erika looked defeated and sad, her shoulders slumped and her eyes downcast. Quinn couldn't help but feel responsible for her friend's current state.

As Quinn, King Scott, Queen Sofia, and Prince Alexander arrived at the detainment ward, Erika looked up with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "What's going on? Am I being released?" she asked eagerly.

Prince Alexander stepped forward, a sly grin on his face. "Yes, you are," he said smoothly. "But it comes with a price."

Erika furrowed her brow, confusion etched on her face. "What price?" she asked hesitantly.

"Quinn has agreed to your release on the condition that you never see her or your other friends from Thalassia again," Prince Alexander explained, his voice dripping with satisfaction.

Erika's heart sank, and she felt a lump form in her throat. "What?" she whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

Quinn approached the cell, feeling a lump form in her throat.

"Erika, I'm so sorry," she said softly. "I never wanted this to happen."

Erika looked up at her, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and anger. "You could have stopped this, Quinn," she said bitterly. "But you chose them over me."

Quinn flinched at the accusation, knowing that it was partly true. She tried to explain herself, but the words caught in her throat. Instead, she simply said, "I'll miss you."

Erika nodded, her eyes downcast once more. "I'll miss you too, Quinn. Goodbye."

As Erika was escorted out of the palace, Quinn felt a sense of emptiness settle over her. She knew that her family had manipulated her into making this decision, but she couldn't help feeling like she had betrayed her friend. She tried to justify it to herself, telling herself that it was for the good of the kingdom, but her heart ached, nonetheless.

In the days that followed, Quinn found herself sinking deeper into the monotonous routine of palace life. She went through the motions of attending endless meetings, wearing endless dresses, eating endless amounts of food, and engaging in endless political debates. But inside, she felt hollow and empty, like something important had been taken away from her. She knew that she had made the right decision for the kingdom, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she had lost a part of herself.

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