Chapter 21 - A Rebellion's Passion and Determination

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Queen Sofia paced back and forth in her chambers, her mind racing with worry. Her daughter was missing, and there was no word of her whereabouts. The palace was filled with tension, and even the usually calm Queen was feeling anxious.

She walked to the window and looked out at the city of Eldriador below. The sun was setting, casting a golden light over the buildings and streets. But the beauty of the city could not calm her troubled mind.

With a determined look, Queen Sofia made a decision. She couldn't sit and wait any longer. She had to take matters into her own hands. Without telling anyone, she slipped out of the palace and made her way through the streets. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched.

The journey to Thalassia was long and arduous, with Queen Sofia stealthily navigating through the busy streets of Eldriador. She couldn't help but feel like she was taking a huge risk, leaving the safety of the palace. But her love for her daughter overrode her fear, and she soldiered on.

As she neared the border of Thalassia, she began to move more cautiously, aware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. She travelled by foot, moving stealthily through the underbrush to avoid detection. Finally, she arrived at the secret location of the magic-ring, a dilapidated building on the outskirts of town.

Queen Sofia approached the building cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest. She knocked on the door and whispered the password, hoping that she had remembered it correctly. The door creaked open, and she slipped inside, her eyes adjusting to the dim light.

She made her way through the maze-like corridors, her heart racing with anticipation. Inside, Queen Sofia felt a sense of unease. The place was filled with people who practiced illegal magic, and she knew that she was taking a huge risk by being there. But she had to find her daughter, and she would do whatever it takes to make that happen. Finally, she arrived at Adonis's chamber, and she knocked on the door, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Adonis," she called out. "It's me, Queen Sofia. I need your help."

There was a moment of silence, and then the door creaked open. Queen Sofia stepped inside and was greeted by the sight of Adonis sitting in a large, ornate chair, his eyes glinting in the darkness.

Adonis was a man who commanded attention, with a presence that belied his small stature. He had shaggy brown hair that came just past his shoulders, slicked back and sharp like a wolf's coat. His skin was tanned, decorated with scars, burns, and tattoos that told the story of a life lived on the edge.

His eyes were a deep, dark brown, and his thick eyebrows gave him an intense, brooding look. He had a square jaw and a thin, straight nose that gave his face a sharp, angular quality. His lips were thin and set in a firm line, and he had a dimple in his chin that gave him a slight air of playfulness.

Despite his short stature, Adonis had a presence that filled the room. He moved with a fluid grace, his muscles rippling beneath his skin like coiled springs. When he spoke, his voice was deep and resonant, with a hint of a growl that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

"The Queen who banned magic comes to me for help," he said, his voice dripping with irony.

"I don't have time for this," Queen Sofia said, her voice shaking with anxiety. ""I need your help. My daughter has gone missing, and I believe she may have come to Thalassia with some friends."

Adonis raised an eyebrow. "And you think I would know where she is?"

Queen Sofia shrugged. "I was hoping you might. I'll do anything to find her."

Adonis thought for a moment, then nodded. "I may be able to help you, but you have to promise me something in return."

"Anything," Queen Sofia said without hesitation.

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