Chapter 11 - Chasing smoke

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Several days had passed since Quinn had last been in Thalassia. And yet, she felt like an eternity had gone by. She yearned to be back with her friends, to work on the second shelter. But instead, she was stuck at the palace, surrounded by towering bookcases and endless stacks of paperwork. The weight of her responsibilities was suffocating her.

As Quinn let out a deep sigh, she was startled by a familiar voice. It was her father, King Scott, who had come to check in on her. Despite her attempts to hide her weariness, her father could see through her facade.

"That is quite a lot of work," he said in his deep, warm voice.

Quinn straightened up in her seat, trying to look more alert. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for neglecting her studies, but her thoughts were consumed by her longing to return to Thalassia.

"There is no need to worry about me. I will complete it all soon," Quinn replied with a forced smile.

Her father looked at her with concern, knowing that there was something more troubling his daughter. Quinn's mind raced, wondering if her parents knew about her secret trips to Thalassia. Before she could speak, her father's words cut through the silence.

"Your mother and I... we think it's wonderful that you are passionate about Eldriador. And that you are doing your best to improve one of our most impoverished prefectures..."

Quinn's heart swelled with pride at her father's praise, but her joy was short-lived.

"But we are just concerned. Thalassia can be a dangerous place if you're not careful."

Quinn's mind raced with a mixture of emotions. She felt grateful for her parents' support yet frustrated at their worries. She knew the risks of working in Thalassia, but she couldn't let that stop her from helping her friends.

Scott's eyes fixed on Quinn's face, trying to read her thoughts and emotions. He was torn between pride for his daughter's passion for Eldriador and concern for her safety. He was about to say something when a guard burst into the room, interrupting their conversation.

"My King!" The guard gasped for breath. "A fight has broken out in Thalassia."

Scott's heart sank as he quickly processed the information. He needed to know more. "Tell me more of the details on the way," he ordered, already heading towards the door.

Quinn's heart skipped a beat as she watched her father leave with the guard. She couldn't help but wonder what could have happened to draw the attention of the capital. She waited until their footsteps faded away before tiptoeing over to the library door and pressing her ear against it.

She could hear muffled voices outside discussing the situation in Thalassia. Her heart raced as she listened intently, trying to make out the words. The fear and anxiety she felt for her friends and the safety of Thalassia was overwhelming.

As soon as she heard enough, she bolted out of the library and ran towards the stables. She knew she needed to act fast and get to Thalassia. She stole a horse and rode as fast as she could, her heart pounding in her chest with every gallop.

The journey was long and treacherous, but Quinn was determined to reach Thalassia. As she approached the prefecture, she could see smoke rising in the distance. Her heart sank as she realized that there was indeed a battle underway.

As she rode closer to the city, she saw flashes of light and magic in the sky. The sound of clashing swords and screams filled the air, and Quinn knew she had to act fast.

Quinn followed the plumes of dark smoke billowing in the air to the location of the battle. The closer she got, the more she realized the horror that was unfolding before her. Her heart sank like a stone in her chest, and her stomach twisted into knots. She couldn't believe what she was seeing - the location of the Thalassian revival project was now a raging inferno, the buildings and shelters burned to the ground.

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