Chapter 26 - The price of change: building bridges

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The palace was in shambles, the walls cracked, and debris littered the floor. Quinn stood amongst the chaos; her heart heavy with the weight of all that had transpired. She watched as the mages from Rivenwood were tied up and placed in the detainment ward, the aftermath of the great battle. The guards who had once been under the influence of Merioid now fell to their knees in shame and begged for forgiveness. Quinn's heart ached for them, for the pain they must have felt upon realizing the truth.

As her parents explained the situation to the guards, Quinn's gaze drifted towards the Rivenwood servants and army. They looked lost and hopeless, grieving the loss of their prince. Robert, Prince Alexander's personal servant, was carried on a stretcher, his body covered in bandages. Quinn's heart went out to him, and she knew she had to do something to help the people of Rivenwood.

"I want to go to Rivenwood and make amends with the King," Quinn proposed to her parents. "And I want to help the kingdom by making a non-marriage trade with them."

Queen Sofia and King Scott exchanged a concerned glance, their eyes filled with worry for their daughter's safety. "Quinn, going to Rivenwood may be dangerous," Queen Sofia said cautiously. "After all that's happened, we don't know what kind of reception you'll receive."

"But I have to try," Quinn insisted, her voice laced with determination. "I want to make things right. And I want to help our kingdom by forging a non-marriage trade with Rivenwood."

King Scott nodded slowly, his eyes softening. "I understand your intentions, Quinn," he said. "But we need to make sure that you'll be safe. We'll have to send a strong contingent of guards with you."

Quinn smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I won't let you down."

Erika squeezed Quinn's hand in support, and Quinn felt a surge of love for her companion. "And I won't let you go alone," Erika said firmly. "We'll face whatever challenges come our way together."

Queen Sofia and King Scott exchanged a glance, both realizing the depth of the bond between their daughter and Erika. "Very well," Queen Sofia said with a smile. "We'll make sure that you're well-protected on your journey."

Quinn and Erika shared a look of gratitude and relief, knowing that they had their parents' support.

As the others were dismissed, James, Erika, and Felicity stayed behind. Quinn could feel the weight of the emotional turmoil in the room, the sadness and exhaustion that they all shared.

"So, you plan on going to Rivenwood," James said.

Quinn nodded, her heart heavy with the thought of what was to come.

"I would love to join you girls, but I will be staying here in Eldriador. Felicity will too," James said.

Quinn could understand his reasoning, but it still made her feel a bit lonely. She knew they all had their own roles to play in the rebuilding of Thalassia.

Queen Sofia interrupted their conversation and ushered them towards the guest rooms in the palace. Quinn couldn't help but feel grateful for her mother's kindness.

"Quinn, why didn't you tell me sooner that you were like 'that'?" Queen Sofia joked, "I know there are some lovely princesses out there."

Quinn's face turned bright red, and she couldn't help but laugh. "Mother!" she exclaimed, all flustered.

In that moment, Quinn realized that despite all the pain and turmoil, there was still hope. The journey ahead would be difficult, but she had the support of her loved ones and the strength to face whatever lay ahead.

And so, the aftermath of the battle had left its mark on Eldriador, but in the weeks that followed, the kingdom slowly began to heal.

Quinn and Erika journeyed to Rivenwood to meet with King Frederick, and though the news of his son's death was heart-wrenching, he proved open to discussing trade and the liberation of his kingdom. Meanwhile, back in Eldriador, James was promoted to representative of Thalassia and worked tirelessly alongside Queen Sofia and King Scott to rebuild their lands into a more just and equitable kingdom.

Felicity, meanwhile, joined the medical team and tended to those suffering from the withdrawal symptoms of the Merioid drug. And as for Quinn and Erika, they continued to grow and learn from each other, their bond strengthening with each passing day.

Although the battle had been a brutal and costly one, it had also brought about change and progress, both for the individual characters and for the kingdoms of Eldriador and Rivenwood. And so, as the sun set over the horizon, there was a sense of hope and renewal in the air.


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