Chapter 13 - Journey to Rivenwood

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Quinn woke up early in the morning, her mind still filled with thoughts of Erika. She shook her head, trying to clear the fog in her mind as she made her way downstairs to the gate where her parents were waiting. She could see her servants bringing her luggage, and she wondered how she could have packed so much for a short trip. She greeted her parents and they all climbed into the carriage, ready to make the journey to Rivenwood.

As they travelled through the country, Quinn found herself getting lost in her thoughts once again. She couldn't stop thinking about Erika and the kiss they shared. She knew it was wrong, but her heart couldn't help but flutter at the thought of the silver-haired beauty.

As they arrived in Rivenwood, they were greeted by the kingdom officials and the people who showered them with flowers. The officials bowed deeply, and Quinn and her family followed suit, their hands palm up by their sides. Quinn couldn't help but notice the eerie smiles on the faces of the Rivenwood people. They were all happy and smiling, but there was something unsettling about it, as if they were in a daze.

As they made their way to the palace, Quinn couldn't help but marvel at its grandeur. The palace was a true masterpiece of architecture, with towering spires and intricate carvings. The walls were adorned with shimmering jewels, and the air was filled with the intoxicating scent of exotic flowers.

Upon entering the palace, they were greeted by Prince Alexander and his family.

"Welcome to Rivenwood," Prince Alexander said with a smile. "I hope your journey was pleasant."

"It was, thank you," Quinn replied, her voice tinged with nervousness. She couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by the grandeur of the palace and the importance of the people they were meeting.

"My son has been looking forward to your arrival," King Frederick added, placing a reassuring hand on Alexander's shoulder.

"Indeed, I have," Alexander confirmed, returning Quinn's gaze with a warm smile. "Eldriador is a beautiful place. I hope you find our kingdom just as breathtaking."

"I'm sure we will," Quinn said, returning his smile. She was struck by Alexander's kindness and charm and couldn't help but feel a connection with him.

As they made their way through the palace, Quinn couldn't help but feel in awe of the luxurious surroundings. The halls were lined with ornate tapestries and gold fixtures, and the floors were polished to a high shine. Quinn's parents were equally impressed and complimented Alexander on the beauty of his home. His step-mother, however, remained silent and distant. Quinn could sense the tension between her and Alexander, and it made her uncomfortable.

"Your palace is truly magnificent," Quinn said, her eyes taking in every detail.

"Thank you," Alexander replied, beaming with pride. "It is the jewel of Rivenwood, and I am grateful every day to call it home."

As they continued their tour, Alexander pointed out the advanced technology they used in Rivenwood. Quinn was fascinated by the steam and cog-powered machinery that powered the kingdom.

"I have never seen anything like this," Quinn marvelled. "How does it all work?"

Alexander eagerly explained the mechanics of the machines, and Quinn listened with rapt attention. Despite her initial unease, she was starting to feel more at ease in Rivenwood, and she couldn't wait to see more of what the kingdom had to offer.

As they continued their tour of Rivenwood, Alexander brought up the reason for their visit. "My parents mentioned that there was a recent event in Eldriador. A magic battle, was it not?" he asked, turning to Quinn and her parents.

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