Chapter 8 - Illuminare

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The morning was bleak and cloudy, a fitting atmosphere for Quinn's heavy heart. As she watched Prince Alexander mount his horse and ride away, she felt a sense of unease that she couldn't shake off. She put on a brave face and smiled, trying to hide her inner turmoil, but as soon as the prince was out of sight, her facade crumbled. She turned around and walked back to the palace, her mind racing with thoughts.

Once she arrived at the palace, Quinn knew that she had to act quickly. She couldn't let anyone see her leaving, so she pretended to feel unwell and went to her chambers. She waited for a few minutes, checking that no one was watching her, and then sneaked out of the palace. However, her attempts to go unnoticed failed as she passed by a group of guards, and she quickly hid behind a tree, hoping that they wouldn't see her.

To her surprise, the guard who spotted her was James. James couldn't believe his luck when he saw Quinn sneaking out, but he also felt a pang of guilt for deceiving his fellow guards. As he faked a dramatic cough to get Quinn's attention, he muttered to himself, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Unfortunately, Quinn interpreted James' actions as a distraction to help her escape. She locked eyes with James, who was coughing so hard that he looked like he was going to pass out, and gave him a small bow as a gesture of gratitude. Then, she scurried away, leaving James standing there, feeling like a fool. He watched as his fellow guards rushed to his aid, wondering how his simple plan had gone so wrong.

After a long journey, Quinn finally made her way back to Thalassia. As she approached the hideout, her heart quickened with excitement and anticipation. Quinn finally entered the hideout, where she was welcomed with open arms by Felicity and Nimbus. The fluffy dog jumped on her with excitement, his tail wagging furiously as he licked her face. Felicity followed suit, hugging Quinn tightly and asking why she had taken so long to get back to Thalassia.

Quinn sighed, knowing she had to break the news to them. "Prince Alexander came to Eldriador, and we...we're engaged now," she explained hesitantly, unsure of how they would react.

The air around them suddenly felt heavy, and Erika, who had been quiet until then, looked at Quinn with concern etched across her face. "Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" she asked bluntly.

Quinn was taken aback by Erika's sudden bluntness. "What do you mean?" she asked, confused.

Felicity, who had been listening in silence, finally spoke up. "We've heard rumours about Prince Alexander. He's known for their cruelty and tyranny," she said, her voice laced with worry.

Quinn's eyes widened in disbelief. The man she had thought to be kind and compassionate was now being portrayed in a completely different light. "I can't believe it," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

Erika leaned in closer, her voice filled with concern. "Princess, please, you need to break off this engagement quickly before his roots begin to seep in. James told us about the things Prince Alexander and his family have done, the people they've hurt. These aren't just baseless rumours, Princess. You can't trust him."

Quinn's face fell as she heard the words. She had hoped that the rumours weren't true, that Prince Alexander was different from his family. "No, you're wrong," she protested. "He cares about the people. He wants to help us. He wouldn't hurt anyone."

Felicity shook her head. "Quinn, you can't be in denial about this. Erika's right, we can't trust him. We can't let him have control over Thalassia."

Quinn's mind raced as she tried to think of a way to convince them. "But think about what this marriage could do for Eldriador. We could have the support of a powerful kingdom. We could fix our economy, end the food shortages, and build infrastructure. It's not just about me and my feelings."

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