Chapter 16 - Tax and reform: a crumbling community

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Over the course of several months, Eldriador underwent a dramatic transformation as the military initiation plan implemented by Prince Alexander brought about sweeping tax reforms that affected every facet of society. The compulsory basic military training for both boys and girls from the age of thirteen became a reality, and the guards were granted unchecked authority. Although some were noble and virtuous, others exploited their power, instilling fear and uncertainty among the populace.

As the tax laws went into effect, the less fortunate were either uprooted from their homes, taken from the streets, or forced to hide. The rate of crime surged as people pilfered food from markets. Vendors were unable to increase their prices lawfully, yet they scarcely earned enough income as supplies dwindled because of thieves. The shift to a more militarized society prompted agriculture to decline, leading to a dearth of food. Consequently, the poor not only stole food but also engaged in fights over it. The gap between the wealthy and the poor widened, and the disdain of the rich for the poor grew more profound, viewing them as nothing more than animals.

One evening, Quinn found herself at dinner with Prince Alexander, Queen Sofia, and King Scott. As she looked at her plate full of food, she felt sick to her stomach. The new laws had affected the people, and it was unbearable to see it happening. "Is this really the right way to do things?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "People are starving, and people are wrongfully in jail."

Prince Alexander tried to console her, "It's always hard in the beginning when a new change is added, but in time things will settle and become balanced. It's like a scale that's rocking back and forth, but give it time, and it will balance." He sounded so sure of himself, but his words did nothing to ease Quinn's unease.

Queen Sofia spoke up, her voice laced with doubt. "Are you certain that things will get better?" she asked.

Prince Alexander, trying to maintain a sense of order, said, "These laws are necessary for the greater good of Eldriador. We cannot give in otherwise the people will lose respect for the law."

"But at what cost?" Queen Sofia asked, her voice laced with doubt. "I fear that we're causing more harm than good with these new laws."

Quinn couldn't sit still any longer. The weight of the situation was heavy on her heart, and she needed to do something. She excused herself from the table and took some food in a bag, Queen Sofia watched her leave with a sense of unease. She felt the same way as Quinn, but she couldn't shake off her sense of duty. She had to be strong for the people of Eldriador, but she couldn't help but feel like there was more she could do.

As Quin left the castle and made her way to Thalassia, Quinn's stomach churned with anger and despair. She couldn't believe how blind Prince Alexander and the others were to the suffering of the people. The streets were eerily quiet, and Quinn could feel the tension in the air. She saw people huddled together, sharing what little they had. The sight broke her heart, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for having so much when others had so little.

Quinn ventured through the narrow shortcut to Thalassia, her heart heavy with the burden of the dire situation Eldriador faced. She clutched a small bag filled with provisions in her hand, hoping to provide some solace to her friends who had taken refuge in the secret hideout.

As she approached the hideout, she could feel her chest tightening with anxiety. She had been worried about her friends, and seeing their pale faces made her heart ache. They looked as if they had barely seen the light of day, and it was evident that the famine had taken its toll on them.

Erika, James, Felicity, and Nimbus were grateful for the food, but their melancholic expressions revealed the gravity of their situation. Felicity, her voice trembling with despair, asked Quinn how long the famine would last, but Quinn had no answer. She wished she could alleviate their suffering and provide them with hope, but she knew the situation was beyond her control.

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