Chapter 25 - War for Eldriador - Pt 2

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The air was thick with the scent of smoke and the sound of crackling magic as Queen Sofia and her group of rebel mages battled King Scott in the palace's detainment ward. The room was in chaos, with spells flying in every direction and the walls shaking from the impact. The rebels fought with all their might, trying to bring King Scott back to his senses.

The sound of glass shattering echoed through the chamber as Scott's clothes were ripped off, revealing a large burn mark on his back. Queen Sofia was desperate to reason with him, to bring him back from the brink, but his eyes were wild, and his magic surged with the power of the Merioid coursing through his veins.

Queen Sofia's voice cracked with emotion as she cried out, "Scott, please! You don't have to do this! Fight it! Come back to us!"

Scott's face contorted with rage, and he continued to attack, his magic fuelled by the Merioid.

As the battle raged on, Scott's eyes glazed over with an otherworldly power, his body wracked with the effects of the Merioid. His magic grew stronger, fuelled by his anger and desperation. The mages from Rivenwood took advantage of the chaos and ambushed Queen Sofia, casting a massive fireball at her.

But to Sofia's shock, Scott threw himself in front of her, his body shielding her from the impact of the blast. He stood tall and resolute, his eyes blazing with an intense determination.

Sofia couldn't help but think back to a time long ago, when they were younger and still competing in tournaments of magic. They had been on the brink of victory, the crowd cheering them on as they held their arms up in triumph.

But their victory had been short-lived. Their opponent had gotten up from the ground and shot a surprise attack of fireball, catching them off guard. Scott had jumped in front of Sofia, shielding her with his body and taking the full impact of the blast himself. He had collapsed with severe burns on his back, and Sofia had been left calling for help as the medics carried him away. She had felt so distraught, as everything around her became a blur.

And now, all these years later, Scott was once again putting himself in harm's way to protect her. Sofia felt a wave of gratitude and affection wash over her, even as the battle continued to rage on.

Scott collapsed to the ground, exhausted from the battle, but the Merioid's hold on him had finally broken. "Thank you," he gasped, his voice barely audible. "Thank you for saving me."

The mages from Rivenwood continued to attack, their spells exploding in bursts of light and sound. But Sofia and her companions fought back fiercely, determined to protect Scott and their homeland from harm.

But it was Sofia who truly shone in the heat of battle. With each passing moment, her magic grew stronger, her spells more powerful. Flames licked at her fingertips as she called forth infernos that engulfed her opponents in searing heat. She conjured bolts of lightning that crackled through the air, striking her enemies with deadly precision.

Her companions watched in awe as she demolished wave after wave of Rivenwood mages, her power seemingly limitless.

"You always were the strongest of us" Adonis murmured, almost to himself. "But you were afraid of the power and destruction of magic. So afraid you banned magic all together, right?"

Sofia barely registered his words as she continued to battle, her magic fueled by a fierce determination to protect Eldriador at all costs. Her flames burned so hot they turned blue, and her lightning crackled with an otherworldly energy that left her enemies quaking in fear.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, but finally, the mages from Rivenwood began to falter. Their magic had been no match for Sofia's raw power, and one by one, they fell before her.

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