CHAPTER 1: Gift Of Guilt

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DATE: MAY 10TH, 1987.

On a sunny afternoon in York, South Carolina, a small group of children play outside.
They run around and laugh, having a great time. They all seem to be enjoying themselves, but there's something else going on under the surface.
There's a tension in the air, like something bad is about to happen. Something evil is lurking just around the corner, waiting for the right moment to strike.

A little girl looks outside, as she watches her friends play, she was terribly sick.. And she couldn't play, even if she desperately wanted to.

Somewhere near the children, a house's bell is rung. Two men wait outside, as the little girl answers..
These men were pretending to be the landlords..

The two men are dressed in dark, baggy clothes, and their faces are covered with ski masks. They don't look like landlords at all. They look more like criminals.

The little girl answers, her voice gentle and soft.

"Hello, m-may I help you?"
The little girl speaks, her voice as gentle as an angels.

"Yes, ahem... We are the landlords.. Where are your parents, little girl? I'm sure they're here. Right?"
One of the men speaks, trying to trick the girl by pretending he's the landlord, the girl gulps, as her parents were not home.

"Mama and papa.. They're not here.. they're at the mall... You can wait here until they return!"
The girl says, her voice shaky.

The two men look at each other and smile, knowing that their plan is working.

"That's okay, we'll wait," one of the men says. "We won't be long."

The other man nods and then he reaches into his pocket, taking out a knife.

"W-What are you doing? N-No! Please don't hurt me!"
The little girl begins to sob.

One of the men notice a man with a strange outfit sitting by a tree, his face obscured by his cap. He seems to be watching over the predicament, but the man passes it off, and focuses on the girl..

"Now, now... We're just gonna make ya bleed a little, now.. TELL US WHERE TO FIND YA PARENTS, CUNT!
One of the men yells, he was tall, and skinny.

"Yeah, lil' bitch! Tell us where ya mama and papa are! And we'll hurt not even a fly in this house!"
The fat and taller one says, giggling like a maniac.

The skinny man leans over to the girl, grinning.
"Now, tell us where they are.. You wouldn't want for you to get hurt, right? We must inspect this house... If you don't tell us where they are willingly."

"I-I told you.. They're at the mall!"
The girl cries.

"Well, we're gonna show you that we are not kidding, so you better tell us, or you are in danger, miss.

"Ohh, Please, don't hurt me! Just tell us where they are, and we'll leave, okay?" The smaller man continued, his voice growing louder and more demanding as the girl refuses to tell them anything.

"P-Please.. stop it! STOP! PLEASE JUST STOP! I want my mommy!"
The young girl cries out, as the skinny one pulls the knife on her neck as a warning.

"Hey, shut it. I'll cut you up."

"Hey, Pipo." The skinny man called the fat man by the name.

"Yeah, Albert?"

"Go look inside, now."

The man called Pipo nods and moves into the house. He is very large and looks extremely imposing. The girl tries to run away, but just as she does so, Albert grabs her, holding the knife tightly to her throat.

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