CHAPTER 2: The Hustle PART 1

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Jodi drives over to his location, arriving at 11:02 AM. Yorker Café is full of citizens, enjoying themselves.. But that's not what he's there for.

He gets off his motorcycle, and he makes his way into the café, still smiling to himself from the encounter he had had with the little girl. His mind is full of thoughts of what she must have thought of him, and he can't help but feel proud of himself. He finds a table at the café and sits down, ordering a coffee. He takes a sip of the coffee and breathes in the smell of it, letting out a content sigh.

He takes another sip and looks around the café, people-watching and enjoying the atmosphere.

Suddenly, a can is thrown his way... he catches it, he looks unphased, and drops the can, sipping his coffee.

"Hmm? what's this about?"
Jodi asks, tilting his head a bit.

A man with short blonde hair and lime green eyes walks over to Jodi, his mouth and nose covered by his face mask.

"Scusi, mio amico."
The man speaks, in italian.

"It seems like I accidently threw my can at you, no? I apolagize. I had no intent to harm you, I hope i didn't."
The italian man laughs gently.

Jodi nods, smiling politely. "No harm done, my friend. Just be careful where you throw your cans next time," he replies, before taking another sip of his coffee.

He watches as the Italian man walks off, not thinking too much of the encounter.

"What a guy.. Gee... Hmm? Oh, he forgot his can!"
Jodi picks up the can, observing it.

"So.. strange, I wonder what brand it's from.. It doesn't say anything on the can about a brand.."

He looks closer noticing how the can is unopened. He puts his coffee cup down, and observes it..

Suddenly, the can opens...

A gun, pointed at Jodi pops out, shooting him.

his stand's hand manages to catch the bullet, Jodi's heart raced.. he could've died right then and there if it weren't for his supernatural abilities...

"What the hell!?"

Jodi shouts in surprise.

He quickly gets up from the table, his eyes wide with fear. But immediately after his first burst of fear, his eyes fill with rage.

He looks down at the man who just tried to kill him, a look of pure calm and collectiveness in his eyes.

"Who just.. tried to kill me? How? This gun came out of the can.. And with no trigger pulled, it shot at me!"
Jodi's mind races, millions of questions on his mind.

"Jesus.. Could it have been that italian?"
He asks, looking for the man who threw the can.. but to no avail. He was gone.

"I gotta get the hell outta here, christ..."
He says, finishing his coffee, and leaving without paying at all.

Jodi races over to a Subway station, entering with a calm demeanor.

His mind was full of questions, as the man strangely brought his motorcycle in the subway with him.

"Hey, you can't do that! Take you and your motorcycle somewhere else!"
A middle-aged man says.

"Shuddup, i'm in a hurry."
Jodi says, his face sterning up a tiny bit as he scolds the man quickly.

He sits down, his mind full of so many questions. The train took off, as he was sitting down; He thought about who that Italian man was.. And how he did what he did.

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