CHAPTER 4: Joining The Motherload PART 1

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"The.. Motherload? What even is that exactly?"

Jodi says, clearly confused by what his former opponent is talking about.

He furrows his eyebrows a little, and looks at Enrico with a perplexed face..

"I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at here.."
He adds, crossing his arms.

"Oh, allow me to explain... The Motherload is a gang of sorts. I am the leader. But.. It's not a typical gang, we specialize in cleaning the streets of towns & cities of America. We could use someone.. Like *you.*"
Enrico says, chuckling a bit.

"A gang... That cleans the streets of evil? Well, I suppose it does sound like you guys would be in good need of a hand.. So I suppose I'm up for joining... Assuming you'll have me?"

Jodi says, his tone still a little confused

"But what *exactly* are you guys looking for in a recruit?"

He adds, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"We're open for all. It depend on you if you decide to join. We only have me, aswell as 2 others as of now. I'm sure they'll love you.."

"But first, tell me a bit about yourself!"

Jodi asks.

"Tell me about yourself, Signor Joestar.. Or should I call you Jodi?"

"Yeah, sure. Call me Jodi, please."
"Well, uhm... I don't have much to present. I'm just a humble 19-year old nomad. Moving place to place, y'know?"
Jodi adds, describing himself.

"That's fine, but you have to be able to pull your weight if you come with us."
Enrico says, giving Jodi a hard stare.

"The Motherload has some tough battle coming up, and we're gonna need all the help we can get!"
He says, his eyes showing a small flame of determination.

"So just be sure you're ready to fight for that when the time comes. Alright?"

He adds, holding out a hand for him to shake...

"Welcome to The Motherload, Jodi Joestar."

"Heh, thanks."
Jodi chuckles and shakes Enrico's hand, as the two men walked out the train, and out to their destination. Jodi walked out with his motorcyle in bits.

"Now, me and the other members are residing here. In Charleston, we stay at a hotel as of now. You see.."

"We're also fellow nomads, if you couldn't tell already, my friend."

Enrico adds to his words of determination and pride.

"Well then I guess we really are cut from the same cloth.. I've never met another group of nomads before!"

Jodi says, looking around the city and taking in the new surroundings.

"What's our next move then? Do you have anything in mind?"

He adds, as he jumps onto his motorcycle and starts it up..

"I'm ready for anything, ya dig?"
He adds while giving Enrico a grin.

"Jodi.. How are you gonna use that motorcycle of yours?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"Jodi.. It's in pieces.. It might even explode."

Jodi gets off the motorcyle, observing the damage.

He yelps, clenching his fists as Enrico Buccellati looks at him in fine embarrassment.

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