CHAPTER 7: Late Spring Meeting

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DATE: MAY 11TH, 1987.

After 16 hours of long, long driving; The motherload make it to Burlington, where the meeting is to begin.

"Ahh, Burlington... Gentlemen, remember our first time here?"

Buccellati asks, turning to the Motherload members.

"I do, Buccellati, I do. It's like as if it was yesterday.."

Jonah says, sighing.


Anotella says quietly, holding Jonah's hand gently for protection.

"It's 11:09 AM. We only have about 21 minutes to explore until the meeting starts..."

Buccellati adds, looking at his watch.

"And... Where's this 'meeting' supposed to be?"

Jodi asks, scratching his head a bit.

No, really.. I'm SUPER confused...

Jodi thinks to himself.

"Sigh... Right there, Jodi. Right. There."

Jonah says, a bit of frustration in his voice as he points to a giant area where a big stage, aswell as a podium stand in the middle, as well as many other chairs for people to sit on.

"Oh. Sorry, hehe... God, I feel so blind right now..."

Jodi laughs gently, as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Now, go on. Have fun until then, you three. Go buy whatever.'

Buccellati laughs, spreading his arms around for the the gang to look around themselves.

They all nod, and begin to walk around the area, with Anotella going with Jonah.

Geez, it's already happening.. Only days left until THIS. EXACT. Sunday, eh?

Shit... I've wasted so much time sleeping that I didn't get the time to think this through... Oh, fuck it. It's for.. him.. No, it's for them... I'll have to do this for their sake.

Jodi thinks to himself.

As they all walk around the area, Jodi's stomach begins to rumble.

"..Ahh.. Man. I'm starving!"

Jodi decides to head over to the nearest restaurant, where he orders some food.
Jodi, being more of a traditional man, ordered a nice and big burger, with fries on the side.

He was still a young adult after all, he was gonna eat like a young adult.
He enjoyed themselves inside, thinking about the plans and the strategies for the race, laughing and having a good time.

A good way to kill time, no?

After a while, it was time. Time for the Late Spring Race's meeting to commence.

The Motherload gathered up again, as the sat down near the stage, a good spot to listen up on.

"Y'all ready for this?.."

Jodi asks, his southern accent pouring through as he spoke.

"Yeah, u-uhuh..."

Anotella quietly speaks, shyly.

"Of course!" Jonah adds.
"This is gonna be one heck of a race, I'm not gonna lie."

He adds with a huge, goofy grin on his face.

"I can't wait to get started, this is one hell of a chance to change all of our lives for the better!"

Buccellati says, smiling.

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