CHAPTER 5: Joining The Motherload PART 2

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So this is what it's like huh?

Jodi thinks, looking at these two figures that stand in front of him.

He's been a lone wolf for most of his life, so he can't help but feel a little anxious... But he still forces a smile nonetheless.

"Heh, well... Nice to meet you guys. I'm Jodi Joestar."

He adds, putting his hands behind his back as he waits to see what happens next.

One of the two was a black man with dark brown hair purple eyes and he sported a colorful attire.

The other a white woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore an all pink attire.

"Nice.. To meet you."
The woman says.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jodi."
The man says.

"Hahah, Jodi.. Meet Jonah Parks.. he's the guy with the colorful clothing.. and meet Anotella Una. She's the girl in all Pink."

"Ahh, so *these* are the buddies that I've been promised, eh?"

Jodi says with a grin spread on his face.

"I'm sure we'll be getting along just fine, right?"

He adds, looking at the two in front of him with a confident look in his face, but then he adds...

"But you do gotta explain to me, what exactly your roles are around here.. I'm sure you've got some sort of plan right?"

He says, still giving Jonah and Anotella a friendly smile.

"Indeed we do, Jodi."
Enrico says, patting Jodi on the back.

"Jonah is the brains of most if not all operations, and.. Anotella.. She's new, she's still finding her place here."
Enrico adds, smiling.

Anotella's quite shy and reserved, Jonah.. Well, Jonah's reserved, but not shy at all.

"You two can hang out until me and Jodi sort this all out."

As Jodi and Enrico made it to another room, Jonah sighs.

"Now, as I taught you, Una. What's the square root of 9?"
He pulled out a mathematics sheet he printed out for her.

"Uhm.. Uhm.. I.. I don't think I can do this from memory, Jonah!"
Anotella says, shyly, as she looks away in ebarrassment.

"Nonsense! I know you can... Sure, you didn't have the privilege to learn normally like most children, but.. I'm sure that with my help you can get back on track!"
Jonah says, patting her shoulder.

"Now, try.. Try and remember.. I believe in you."
Jonah adds, smiling warmly at Anotella.

"U-Uhmm... Is it 3?"
Anotella asks, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, yes! Very good, Una!"
Jonah exclaims, his eyes shining with joy.

"You did it, you memorized the square root of 9! Give me a high-five!"

Anotella smiles, as she high-fives Jonah.

Jodi looks on at the two from a distance, smiling with a bit of pride in Jonah, as he's clearly dedicated to helping Anotella in her education.

But Jodi turns his attention back to Enrico Buccellati.

"So... What's this *big fight* you talked about before?"
Jodi asks, his voice a bit quiet so only Enrico can hear him.

"Ohh, that?"

"It's... Alleged. But we've been getting signs of a fight against an opposing gang for a while."

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