CHAPTER 15: Rich Hill Campsites

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TIME: 11:56 AM

The race continued... As Jackson's horse was soon found by a wandering Engel Wood.

"Hmm? Lemme see... This horse's horseshoes... !!"

His eyes widened, as he took out a photo. The horseshoes in that image matched exactly with the horses. This meant...

"This is the same ones  that i saw in my investigation... This must mean..."

"That Jackson Ro, the rider of Culture Club.. He murdered those two men.."

"Now, where is he?!"

He looked foward, seeing the mutilated face and pale body of Jackson Ro. He gulped as he stepped foward towards the body.

"My, what a surprise... By the looks of it... This murderer also died from the ability of a stand.. There's no doubt about it."

Engel Wood stares at Jackson's body, shocked and disturbed.  He has just discovered a crucial piece of evidence in the murder case he's been investigating-- and he now knows that his suspect, Jackson Ro, is dead. 

This raises more questions than answers-- who killed Jackson, and why?  Engel Wood is determined to solve this mystery, and to bring the killer to justice. 

He takes a deep breath, and sets out to follow the trail of evidence, and to uncover the truth behind the death of Jackson Ro.

" Oh, my one and only god... Echolocation, allow me to use my powerful stand; Echolocation to find out how and why this murderer met his maker... "

Further ahead of Engel, Choko starts up a camp, setting up a camp fire for herself.

"D.T., are you okay?"

She asks, turning to her head to her horse, who is laying down. He neighs, and she smiles softly.

She leans on D.T., looking up at the sky.

, looking up at the sky

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"Don't you just... You know... Erm... Look up at the sky and wonder... Hey, how shitty can people POSSIBLY be?"

She chuckles, flashing a grin.

"I mean, just think about it. You remember that Jackson Ro guy? He was like.. Ohh, look at me... My stand can blind the fuck outta people! Or.. Something like that... I generally forgot that guy's personality before I killed him..."

He laughs gently.

"Y'know, I can be myself around you... Now, isn't that weird? I gotta be the no-nonsense chick around everyone.. but you!"

He neighs, as she smiles gently.

"Look, I made even made up a impression about that Atkins guy... Wanna hear it?"


"..I'm going to take that silence as a yeah, so.. Here we go."

She clears her throat as she begins.

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