CHAPTER 14: Fly-Day Chinatown, STAGE 2

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DATE: MAY 14TH, 1987.

"Alrighty then, participants! Please make your way to the starting line."

The announcer asks of the racers, as cars and horses made way to the line. The train attendants makes their way onto the Speedwagon train, and they all wait until the signal for the 2nd stage to start.

"This will be from Buffalo, to the Rich Hill of Ohio!"

The announcer explains, he continues.

"This stage will be smaller than the last one, only being 295 miles in length!"

He adds.

"Damn, seems like Kool's getting all the hype, you guys... Seems to me that we're not as popular as some of these guys... At least accourding to this newspaper..."

Jodi says, next to Buccellati in the car while he's reading the local newspaper.

"Well, we'll teach him..."

Buccellati snarks, frowning.

"Jodi, nobody gives a flying fuck about the newspaper report. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE REPORT! Bloody hell, stop giving us reasons to start an in-fight! I'll break your nose!"

Atkins says, crumbling the newspaper and stuffing it in the back of the car.


Is all Jodi says, before Jonah speaks.

"Hey, guys. You think that Jodi's going to snap again? It's just a question that popped into my head..."

"Yeah, I get that impression too..."

Anotella replies nervously, her voice quiet and concerned,

"He's been in a bad mood ever since the last stage... I'm not sure why, but it worries me a lot."

She sighs, taking a deep breath, then Jodi speaks.

"Bad mood? Annie, I'm almost never in a "bad mood!" What makes you even think that?"

He asks, chuckling.

"You've been making a weird face ever since, and you're starting to scare me..."

"What face..?"

He asks, turning around.

"That face.."


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"...I don't get it."

Jodi says, frowning. Then, the announcer speaks.


The racers see the cannonball fly ahead, and the race officially begins!

Once again, Choko racers foward, ahead of the crowd.

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