CHAPTER 10: 1st Stage; 371 miles

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DATE: MAY 13TH, 1987.

over 6,400 contestants, using various transportation methods stand before on the starting line. Awaiting the confirmation signal that was the cannonball.

Hundres of cameras are recording the event, live on television.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

A middle-aged lady speaks on her microphone, her voice being heard from millions of stations around the world.

"My name is Holly Pendleton! And I'm here, on the border of ,Burlington, Vermont, near Howard street! Where the long-awaited Late Spring Race will truly begin! How exciting!~"

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"My name is Holly Pendleton! And I'm here, on the border of ,Burlington, Vermont, near Howard street! Where the long-awaited Late Spring Race will truly begin! How exciting!~"

She said, her voice going from energized to a sing-song voice at the end, her energy shining through with her voice.

"Over 10 helicopters will be used for the recording of this grand race, and for those here, viewing this first-hand in the area... You may use binoculars to spectate this wonderful event!"

She laughed, her voice full of emotion and excitement.

"Now, see that cannon over there?"

She points to a cannon near the starting line, it had already been stocked with a massive cannonball.

"Ladies and gentlemen, once that cannon blows, the race will officially begin! The cannonball has been estimated to land near halfway of the race!"

Her eyes shined, pumping her fist into the air.

The cannon fires, and the thunderous roar causes the spectators to gasp. They are about to witness something incredible. The cannonball shoots high into the sky, and the crowd holds their breath, waiting to see where it will land. The anticipation is almost too much to bear.

When it finally comes crashing down, the crowd erupts into cheers. The cannonball has landed exactly where it was predicted to! The Late Spring Race has officially started.

"Woohoo! The Late Spring Race has finally begun! The first stage is from Burlington, Vermont to Búfalo, New York! How neat! Hahaha! For the small, but great prize of 5,000 dollars in cash!"

The contestants began to race, over 3,000 making it further by a bit.

As the contestants speed down the road, the crowd watches in amazement. It's a race of epic proportions, and the winner will be the first to reach buffalo. It's an incredible spectacle, and the crowd cheers and screams as the cars fly by at blistering speeds.

The contest is on-- whoever reaches buffalo first will be the winner. The road ahead is long, and there are many obstacles in the way. Who will come out on top? Only time will tell, but the tension is palpable.

"Ohh? What's this? While we were watching the cannonball land, we totally diregarded this racer! They're on horseback, and they're completely obliderating this totally large competition!"

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