CHAPTER 8: Chōko Mochizuki

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DATE: MAY 12TH, 1987.

A plump young lady is seen on a farm field, along with some other folk, presumably her family.

"Hey, ma! Have ya heard?"

She chuckles, walking over to her mother as she places her tools down. Her brown eyes glowing with pure joy.

"What is it now, Raichel?"

The elderly woman asks, her long, stringy white hair laying on the both of her shoulders.

"There's this BIG-BIG-BIG race goin' down in Burlington! The entrance fee is only 300 dollars per individual!"

She was practically bouncing with excitement, her western accent heavily heard with every word.

"300?! Raichel McCafferty, are you insane? Have ya lost ya marbles?!"

Her mother's jaw dropped, her eyes looking like they were going to pop out of her skull.

"Ohh, but mom!.. This is a BIG, GIANT race! The prize is more than this whole farm will be worth in a whole lifetime! 25 million dollars! TWENTY. FIVE. MILLION!"

She begged, showing her aging mother the newspaper's front cover.

"Ma, I know we don't have much money, but consider it! It's very soon! I'm talkin' DAYS-soon! This could turn our big ol' family's life around! If you could lend me some 300 dollars out of the goodness of ya heart.. Pretty please? I'll win by horse!"

"By horse? Oh, dear Raichel... You really think you'll be able to do that by riding ol' Sundown? It says here that even cars are allowed!"

The elderly mother sighs, placing the newspaper on the wooden stool near her rocking chair.

"What about the family, Raichel? What about your 7 siblings? Billy, Jamie, Axel..."

Raichel whined, pouting.

"Oh, ma! I'm sure they'll do just fine without their big sister Raichel for a while..."

"Oh, is that so?"

Her mother scoffs.

"Yeah, oh.. Pretty please! Oh, please! Have a heart, mama!"

Raichel put her hands together, begging at this point.

"Hmph, oh.. Alright! Just stop looking at me like that, ya creeping ya old lady out!"

"Yaaay! Oh, thank you, thank you, Mama!"

Raichel rose up, squealing in excitement as her mother searched in the money jar.

"I'll get Sundown up n' ready by the time the race starts, just you wait mama!"

She looked up at the sky, all proud.

She looked up at the sky, all proud

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"I'll make ya proud, mama. I really will! In-fact, I'll make everybody proud!"


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