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Author's note: Happy 12th Anniversary to Smg4! May many more years of meme to come.

Edit; 5/12/2023: Even though it's not the main focus, I added the smg34 tag just so you know that this takes place after my first fic.


He knew this dream all too damn well. He hated of being reminded of this day.

The year was 2014, he was running through the hospital halls, hoping he wasn't too late. Smg3 stopped and entered one of the rooms, walking up to the hospital bed. There on the bed was a recolor of Luigi, who was wearing a white shirt with blue overalls. The Luigi recolor opened his eyes and gave a weak smile "Hey bro, glad you finally came to see me." He let out a small chuckle, sitting up to look at Three.

Three wasn't laughing, his face filled with sorrow. "L, I'm so sorry. I wanted to come sooner but, Smg4 got in the way."

L, or more commonly known as Slg4 gave the dark Mario recolor a sad look, which turned into a small smirk "You're still going on about that guy? Aren't you dating someone else though?" He had teased.

Three's face became beet red "T-that's not what I fucking meant, and you know it L!" Slg4 let out a hearty laugh. Three smiled, it felt like the good old times. Three's face fell. "When are you going to get out of here?"

L sighed "Whenever the cancer leaves my body, or I die." He said bluntly while shrugging, his tone was cold. Three and L both knew that him getting out alive was highly unlikely.

Three looked at the man he called his brother. L's eyes were bagged, his mustache unkept, his hair matted, and the scar (which he got after being shot out of a cannon by Mario and Smg4) on his face looked paler than usual. L fell back, letting out a series of coughs, which caused Three to panic. "Hey, taking it easy now, okay?"

"Three, promise me something?" L's voice was raspy, his eyes were covered in shadows.

"What is it?"

"Promise me that – I GET TO DESTORY YOU!" Three had leapt back at that. Slg4 neck snapped to turn to face Three, his eyes were red with a zero in the middle. L started to levitate off the bed. The lights started to flicker before going dark.

What the fuck?!?

Glitches started surrounding the edgy meme guardian, L0's hand reached out to grab Three when-

He woke up with a start, panting before taking a deep breath to help calm down. 'Just a bad dream.' He thought to himself. He looked over, Four was still peacefully sleeping, the rising and falling of his chest made Three softly smile, slightly blushing. Three was staying the night here at the showgrounds with Eggdog because tomorrow they were going to start building the new castle. Three agreed, not wanting to spend tonight alone, not so close to the anniversary of his brother's death.

Three has always had nightmares about L's death, but never one like this. Three quietly stood up and went outside, heading to the roof top of the Rv. Three took some time to reflect on the dream he just had. 'What the fuck was that!?!' Three scowled 'Why was fucking Zero in my dream?!? It makes no sense on why he showed up. Right?' Three was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear someone climbing up the Rv ladder.

"Three?" It was Four, carrying Eggdog with him. "What are you doing up here? Couldn't sleep?" Four stood next to Three, with a worried look on his face.

Three gave his boyfriend a soft smile, he turned his head looking down to see Eggdog on his lap, giving Three puppy eyes. Three let out a sigh before speaking "Yeah, I kinda had a bad dream about my brother's death."

Four looked surprised "Wait, brother? Since when did you have a brother? Can we meme guardians even have biological families since we came in USBs?"

"Glitchy, you're spiraling again." Three looked up at Four. "Of course, he wasn't my biological brother, but we were close like brothers. You meet him before, Slg4, remember him?" Four looked shocked at that, he sat right next to Three.

"Wait, him?" Four said in disbelief. "That doesn't make any sense, we did a DNA test and it said that we were related."

Three rolled eyes and chuckled "That's because I rigged it. You silly baka" Four blushed, looking away sheepishly.

"O-of course, that makes sense." He felt stupid for not realizing that sooner. "Can I ask how he died?" He quickly added "If you want to that is."

Three smiled at that, knowing that his boyfriend cared about his feelings. "I'm with fine telling you. It was cancer, I don't remember which kind, but that's what killed him. So, no you and Mario didn't kill him when you shot him out of the castle cannon."

Four let out a sigh of relief "Oh thank goodness." Three laughed, he really loved this goofy idiot. "Uh, hey since we're up here and can't sleep, you want to watch some memes?" Four asked, pulling out his phone.

Three shrugged "Sure, not a whole lot to do up here." He moved closer to Four, resting his head on his shoulder.

Four turned on his phone and frowned. "Huh, that's weird."


"There's no Wi-Fi."

Three lifted his head to face Four "I mean, we are kind of out in the middle of nowhere. It makes sense if there is no wi-fi."

"I guess that makes sense, I just find it weird since when I first got on the road, the wi-fi always seemed to be working." Four shrugged, "In fact, it seems like the entire internet is down."

Three looking confused "How the fuck does that happen?"


Meanwhile elsewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom...

A lone figure covered in shadows stood in a dark basement, "Finally the ritual is complete." The shadowy figure said, closing a book, it's cover heavily resembling the God Box.

Behind them was a coffin, freshly dug out of its grave, on top of it was a crystal. "Now," The shadowy figure grinned "All I have to do is wait." The figure let out a machinal laugh. The crystal on the coffin glowed red.

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