Chapter 15: Fighting for your life

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Author's note: I love writing fight scenes and also angst, especially angst.

Also, we only have one more chapter after this, or do we? :)


Shroomy shot first, causing the cloaked figure to backflip out of the way.

The figure shot back with a purple fire ball, only for One and Two neutralized it with memes.

Fm tried to get close to the cloaked figure, trying to tazze them, but the figure kept dodging out of the way.

Kevin stood back watching the fight from afar. His body slightly trembled, as he over at the cloaked figure.

'Is this the person who wanted to summon me? 

How did they even do that?

What the fuck do they even want with me!?!' He once again became lost in his own thoughts.

The hooded figure teleported right in front of Kevin, causing the man to yelp. But before the figure could do anything, Mario grabbed on to them. "I'm-a don't think you can do that." He body slammed the figure away from Kevin.

Meggy tried to shoot at the figure, only for them to dodge, and the ink hit Smg3 instead. "Ow! My eggdogs!"

"Gah! Sorry Three!" Meggy quickly apologized before trying to find out where the cloaked figure went. The figure popped up behind her, ready to strike, but Meggy was too fast. She punched the cloaked figure right where their face would be.

The figure stumbled back, igniting the flames in their hands once again they charged at the group. The four meme guardians used the memes to make a rope to surround the cloaked figure.

They flung the figure out of the hole once they came. However, the figure was able to recompose themselves. Mario, having none of that charged at the cloaked figure. "Leroy Jenkins!!!"

The figure, unamused shot a small fire ball at the plumber. Setting the Italian man of fire.

"Oh." Mario said before letting out a scream.

The cloaked figure had a bullet shot passed them! It seems Mario was just a distraction! Shroomy reloaded his gun. "Ah dang, I missed." The mushroom boy said with a cheerful smile on his face.

The cloaked figure's anger increased; they were starting to lose their patience. They started to float off the ground, shocking everyone. They once again try to rush towards Kevin, only for them to be hit with a metal bat.

Dr. E. Gadd stood there with the bat.  "This is what you get for destroying my lab!"

Three went in to punch the figure, only for them to grab him by the arm and throw him into the tank where the broken piece of the nightmare stone was held.

"Three!" Four only saw red. He rushed at the cloaked figure, slapping them with a giant hand, knocking them back.

"C'mon, they have to be out of energy soon." Kevin heard X murmur.

The cloak figure charged another fireball at aim it directly at Four, the fire ball was neutralized by Meggy's ink shot.

Fm snuck up behind the figure with taser in hand, only for them to turn around and kick him square in the face. He stumbles back holding his nose, blood dripping out of his gloves.

X's eye twitched. "Shroomy, can I borrow your gun?" X said, clearly pissed.

He smiled at X. "Sure thing!" X grabbed the gun and point blank at the hooded figure, only for them to teleport out of the way at the last second.

Before the figure had a chance to catch their breath, Mario popped up and flung them around. He threw the cloaked figure back outside, where they hit back first onto some trees. The figure slumped over, exhausted.

Everyone peeked out threw to hole, with Three clutching his side, Fm still holding his nose, and Mario somewhat charred.

"Is? Is it over?" Four asked, out of breath.

"It seems like it." One spoke. "Maybe it's time we finally get some answers."

Four nodded as he, One and Two got closer to the cloaked figure.


The figure opened their eyes and looked up to see the meme guardians walking towards them. 'Well, I guess it's time for plan B.'

The spun around the gun that was in their pocket the whole time and shot out the nightmare stone from it.


Time slowed down, Three was too injured to do anything, all he could do as he watched in horror.


Kevin's older brother instincts took over, yes, he knew Smg4 wasn't his real brother, but goddammit that doesn't mean he's not willing to see him hurt.

"Four look out!" He yelled, pushing the meme man out of the way. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked down to see-


He got stabbed by another piece of the nightmare stone.

"Oh fuck." Kevin could feel his legs giving out as he fell to the ground, his vision going dark.

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