Intermission: Smg3's thoughts

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Author's note: Just a little something extra. Next time is when things get really interesting. >:)


Smg3 laid down on his bed, with Eggdog hopping right next to her father. The edgy meme man looked lost in thought, thinking over today's events. She let out a bark, gaining her father's attention. "Sorry, Eggy. I guess I have a lot on my mind right now." He apologized, petting her head.

Three let out a sigh. "It's just... L has never acted like this before. I never seen him so nervous, it's like he's walking on eggshells, and he seems to space out a lot."  Smg3 pulled Eggdog in for a hug, her soft fur soothing him.

"I'm worried about him, that coming back from the dead is affecting him. He doesn't seem to remember, about us." Three let out a sad chuckle. "Heck, I'm even surprised he didn't even tease me about Four."

Eggdog licked the side of Three's face, the edgy meme man softly smiled. "Thanks, Eggdog. Come on let's go to sleep." That seemed to satisfy the pooch, as she hopped into the doggy bed that was right next to her father's bed.  

Three got under the cover, turned and closed eyes. 'I just hope he's okay.' 

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