Chapter 12: More questions than answers (part 1)

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Author's note: I had to rewrite some parts of the chapter again because my computer shut down in the middle of writing this. So, I had to split it into two parts. Sorry about that.


Mario opened the bathroom door with Kevin in tow.

He turned his head to look at the meme guardians, who were snuggling with each other. Four turned and glared and Kevin.

'I don't blame him for that one.' He thought to himself. "Hey, bro." Three lifted his head from Four's shoulder to look at the man he called his brother, his eyes were still looked red and puffy. "I'm sorry about my outburst from earlier, I guess I didn't expect my little brother to be dating his ex-rival."

"It's... fine" Three quietly said, it looked like he wanted to say something more, but he didn't. He stood up from his seat. "I'm ready to get some answers."


The first thing the group notice when they walked inside were X and Fm. X was sitting down on one of couches, while Fm was on laying his head on top of X's legs. Fm had his eyes closed, mostly likely asleep, and his hat was off, leaving his golden locks on display.

"Hey." X said quietly, his focus more on Fm.

"What are you guys doing here?" Four asked, his voice also quiet as to not wake up his friend "Were you guys here all night?"

Now that Four mentioned it, Kevin could see what Four was talking about, the two of them had bags under their eyes.

"Yeah, E. Gadd called us last night to come in since Cube had eaten the crystal. I don't Fm had gotten an ounce of sleep until I made him." X sighed and looked down to Fm, he gently stroked his hair.

Kevin droned the conversation out, looking around the lab he could see the shards of the crystal floating in a tank, with Smg1 and Smg2 studying the thing. But what really caught his eye was Shroomy, who was in front of a board.

Kevin made his way up to the mushroom boy scout. 'What the hell is all of this?' As Kevin got closer, he could see the board, looked like it more belonged on a crime scene. Red string connecting pictures together, notes and theories throw about, it was utter chaos.

"Oh, hi there!" Shroomy greeted, startling poor Kevin. "I never got to properly introduce myself. I'm Shroomy. I see you've taking a fancy to my board. I'm trying to put together on what happened two nights ago."

"What happened two nights ago?" Kevin tilted his head, taking a closer look at one of the pictures, he could see the coffin he was in. The hell?

"Ah, well you see the Wi-Fi went out." Shroomy explained.

Wait, what!?! Kevin felt a shiver go down his spine, he had to act cool. "H-how is that a big mystery?" He tried his best not to shake, he didn't like where this was going.

"Well, the weird thing was that the wi-fi went out for everyone, but the power was still intact. It was like someone took down a giant router."

'Oh, you have no idea.' Kevin thought to himself, it felt like there was a pit in his stomach.

Just then, on the other side of the lab, two metal doors open to revel Dr. E. Gadd and Cube.

X shook Fm awake "Hon, wake up." Fm made a grunt and mumbled something under his breath as he got up from X.

'Wait! They're dating too?!?' Kevin's mind felt like it was going to melt. 'Is anyone in this world straight!?!'

"Good news! Cube has no effects of the nightmare stone in him! He's perfectly fine." The scientist explained.

"Oh, thank goodness." Fm let out a sigh of relief, he walked over to his penguin son, and picked him up. "Cube, never do anything like that ever again."

Cube let out a little honk, Fm pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you so much, Dr. E. Gadd." X said putting his hand on Fm's shoulder.

"It was nothing." E. Gadd said, he turned his head and looked at Kevin. "Ah, you must be Slg4. I have heard many things about you."

Kevin felt his body stiffen. "You have?" Goddammit, why was he so nervous?

"Yes, you have done something no one else has done before. Come back from the dead after so many years."

Oh, that makes sense. Four spoke up. "So, what did you find out about the nightmare stone?"

E. Gadd motioned over Shroomy, One and Two over, along with the theory board.

The scientist put his hands together. "I'm so glad you asked."

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