Chapter 6: I don't remember this

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Author's note: Since people don't know that Slg4 is currently not Slg4. When it's not Kevin's pov, they're going to refer to him as Slg4 or L and not Kevin. Just a heads up.


"You know, I'm not surprised. This isn't the first time you hid in one of my vehicles." Smg4 shrugged unamused, which sort of shocked Kevin, slowly starting to remember what happened in that episode.

'Didn't this guy try to kidnap him?' he thought to himself. 'How can he be so chill? Does this have to do with Smg3 and L-Smg4 being friends?'

A whole onslaught of questions and statements were thrown at the Luigi recolor's way.

"DuDe, WhY wErE YoU HiDiNg iN tHe BaThRo0m?" Bob narrowed his eyes at Kevin.

"Why were you living in a dumpster?" X asked.

"I would like to apologize for almost punching you earlier." Fm rubbed the back of his neck.

"Do you like corn?" Rob produced three bunches of corn in each hand.

"Does the L in your name actually stand for loser?" Swag recovered from his head explosion, a grin appearing on his face.

"Swag." Chris, unamused as ever, scolded his partner in crime.

"What?" Swag turned to face Chris. "I'm asking a legit question."

"Uh, don't you think we shouldn't be asking this many questions." Tari spoke up but was ignored.

"What happened to your head? It looks recent." Wimpu, with a concerned look on his face to where Kevin had banged it on the bathroom counter.

"I think the most important question is... How are you fucking alive?!?" Bowser's roar made everyone fell silent as it echoed, not expecting that reaction from the koopa king. "You fucking died! Smg3 was such a mess that all he did for a week was eat ice cream and cried!"

Kevin heard Three behind him murmur "You didn't have to tell everyone that."

"We held a whole funeral service for you!" The koopa king himself looked like he was holding back tears, looking directly at the man who thought was Slg4. He pulled Kevin by the collar of his sweater and lifting him off the ground.  Oh crap, was he going to die?

"And now you come back from the dead, trying to hide from your own brother!?! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Venom seemed to be laced into Bowser's voice.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Easy there Bowser, overwhelming him is not going to help!" Three was quick to the defense of his brother.

Lu- Smg4 let out a sigh "We should probably continue building the castle another day."

Meggy protested at this "But Smg4, you waited so long for this day."

Four gave her a sad smile "I know, I just don't think I have the energy."

"Well, I think it's a good idea to me." Fm stood up, still cradling Cube in his arms. "I think this little guy is tuckered out." He and X started to walk back to their car, with other's following suit.

Before he left, Luigi scooped up the crystal and put it in a little plastic bag. "I'm gonna take this to E.Gadd. Maybe we can find out more about this thing."

The only people left behind were Mario, Meggy, Bowser, Smg3, Smg4, Smg1 and Smg2.

The koopa let the poor man out of his grip which made Kevin do an internal sigh of relief. 'Oh, thank god!'

"Sorry L;" The koopa scratched his cheek, "I didn't even give you the chance to speak."

"It's... fine." Kevin felt awkward, God it was like he was a teenager all over again with all this awkwardness. He hated it.

"I can't be the only one who thinks he sounds a little like your friend Boopkins, right?" Smg2 asked.

Kevin stiffens at this 'Yeah, it's not like I'm his voice actor or anything.' Goddammit, he should not have gotten out of bed today.

"I don't hear it." Luk- Smg4 said and everyone else agreed.

'He is not your real brother Kevin! Stop thinking it's Luke!' The Luigi recolor angerly thought to himself. He hates that his brain is trying to connect Smg4 to his real brother.

"L?" Smg3 placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder "Are you ok? You don't look so good." The edgy meme man was concerned for his brother. Kevin nodded his head to Three, his voice failing him.


Mario may not be the brightest man, but he didn't buy any of this at all. Slg4 never acted like this during the first time they had met. In fact, he was using the voice he imitated to sound a lot like Smg4 before he switched to what the plumber could only assume to what his regular voice. He didn't even use it when trying to threaten Mario.

"So, why were you hiding in the bathroom? I mean it's not like you even knew it was Smg4's Rv." The plumber pointed out. The Luigi recolor's face paled but before he could say anything Three had his own question to the plumber.

"Dude. Why are you being so hostile to him he literally did nothing wrong!" He paused quickly glancing at Four, before awkwardly adding "This time."

Mario wasn't surprised at this; he knows Three can be stubborn at times. But he has to be at least a little bit curious. Why else would he paused after hearing his brother's voice.

"Don't you think it's kinda sus that after 10 years he comes back from the dead? Especially in one piece?"

Three raised his eyebrow before realizing something. "Ah, right." He said flatly. "You and Four thought you killed L when you shot him out of the cannon. But that's not how he died."

Say what now? The plumber was surprised.

But what surprised him even more is that Slg4 seemed to not know this.


Kevin tried to think back but he wasn't getting anything. 'This guy only appeared in one episode, right?' The red plumber was suspicious of him, and he has every right to be, but good god was it terrifying.

"Three do you want me to tell them? Because I know hurts for you to talk about it. Even if your brother's back from the dead." The koopa king looked at his long-time friend with caring eyes.

"You really don't have to tell us anything you're not comfortable with." Smg1 spoke up, most likely thinking about Spudnick.

"Yeah, death is never really easy to talk about." Meggy added, remembering Desti.

The plumber, being too curious for his own good, wanted answers. "Oh c'mon! You can't just leave Mario hanging like that!" The plumber made big ole' puppy eyes at Three, was he fucking whimpering?!?

Three let out a sigh "Alright, I'll tell you! Just stop making that face!"

Four place his hand on Three's shoulder "Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

The edgy meme man softly smiled "Yeah, don't worry 'bout me. I can handle myself. Although we might want to sit down for this, it's gonna be a long story."

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