Chapter 14: Trouble walked in

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Author's note: The story is almost coming to an end, but don't worry! There will be plenty of more stories that will be set here in this au. So, stay tuned!


"No matter." The figure in the purple cloak said, letting out an evil chuckle. They walked up towards to one of the walls, opening up a secret compartment. They took out another piece of the nightmare stone, along with a gun.

"I guess I'll take matters into my own hands."


Back at Dr. E. Gadd's lab, X suddenly froze then violently shook, his glowed a bright blue as he fell down in pain.

"X!" Fm and Meggy shouted at the same time. The orange-haired girl tried to go up to the fallen man but was held back by Mario. "Red, what are you doing?" He shook his head no, pledding with her not to get closer. Meggy understood, and the plumber let go of her arm. 

Shroomy, One and Two tried to get close, but were blocked off by Cube. Kevin, who was closest also tried to help.

"Is he alright!?" But before he could move one step closer, Fm stopped him.

"Get the FUCK away from him!" Fm growled, Kevin swore he saw Fm's eyes turn red for a second.

"Great googly-moolgy! What on earth is happening?" E. Gadd asked the question that was on a lot of people's minds.

"X is having another one of his visions" Four said softly, his eye's glued to his longtime friends.

"Visons?" Meggy asked, she turned to face Four.

"Yeah, they are pretty painful. I tried to help him one time and almost got punched in the face." Four explained.

"X, are you there?" Fm kneeled down to get on X's level, close to him but not invading his personal space. "If you can hear me, can you tell me five things you can see."

X didn't anything, he continued to curl into a ball. Fm's face became more worried.

"Fm, is there something we can do to help?" Meggy carefully walked closer to Fm, not wanting to upset the blonde even more.

"No." Fm croaked out. "There's nothing we can really do." He looked down at his boyfriend, trying his best to not let tears escape him.

"Holy hell." X cursed, gaining everyone's attention. He sat up clutching his head. "I haven't had a vision like that in a long time."

"What did you see? Are these visons always so painful? Did-"

"Shroomy." Meggy scolded.

"Oops." The mushroom boy looked away, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "My bad."

"X, what was in that vision?" Four, looked nervous.

X sighed, he stood up from the floor, composing himself before he spoke. "It was like a bunch of flashes, some clearer than others. Someone is coming on their way here, and they want the nightmare stone back. And they're pissed."

Oh, fuck.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard outside. "Oh, great heavens!" E. Gadd ran to his computer typing in a bunch of things, before the camera feed from outside popped up.

In the footage they could see a tall figure in a purple cloak with gold embroidery that covered their entire body, and a hood covering their face.

They figure looked up at the camera and in a flash, the feed was dead.

"Looks like we're fucked." Mario said with his eyes crossed.

"Tch, like that's going to happen." Smg3 smirked.

"Smg3 is right. We can't just stand by and do nothing!" Meggy pulled out her spattershot, ready for action.

"Hold up! We don't know what this person is capable of!" X chimed in; a panicked look was on his face.

A loud explosion was heard from the other side of the room. The entire group turned around to see the figure in the purple cloak standing there.

The figure raised a black glove and pointed straight at Kevin.

He gulped, pointing a shaky hand at himself. As if to say 'me?'.

Three became angered by this. "Oh, like hell if you think if you can just take away my brother!"

"Well, X." One's voice was low. "It seems we don't have a choice."

Two brought out the box of memes he always carried, Shroomy took out his gun, Fm had a taser in his hand, and Mario, scratched his ass.

The plumber shook his head, becoming more focused "Alright, let's do this!" He shouted.

Meggy, One, Two, Three, Four, Mario, Shroomy, and Fm stood on one side. The cloaked figure alone on the other. The cloaked figure's hand began to glow bright purple.

The fight was on. 

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