Chapter 5: Another thing from the past

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"How?" It was the first word Three said after a few seconds. "How are you here? How the hell are you alive?"

'You and me both.' Kevin thought. "I have absolutely no idea." The man chuckled sheepishly, shrugging.

Smg3 paused for a moment, wanting to say something else but he didn't. "Well, I'm so glad your back. So much has happened since you been gone."

"I know." Kevin said without thinking. Which caught Three off guard. Mario raised an eyebrow.


"I-I mean look at you, you're not a Mario recolor anymore." Kevin quickly added in. Fuck that was close. 'Right, this guy has been dead for over ten years now. I have to act like I don't know anything.'

"Ha yeah, it's a long story." Smg3 rubbed the back of neck, behind him the plumber narrowed his eyes not buying it. "We were in the middle of a lunch break. Do you want to join? Coming back from the dead must make anyone hungry."

Before any other words could be said a girly scream could be heard outside. Smg3 and Mario rushed to the Rv door, while Kevin awkwardly stayed behind, not wanting any attention on him. 'Oh god what's happening now?'


Outside Bowser was the one screaming. But that wasn't the only odd thing, Smg4 was hiding behind Meggy, Fm was cradling Cube, while X was patting Fm's back and Bob was teasing Bowser with a dull crystal in his blades.

"What the hell is going here?" The plumber looked confused watching it all happen from the Rv. "Mario leaves to take a piss and all of this happens."

"BoWsEr Is ScAreD oF a DuMbAsS RoCk LoL." Bob turned, showing the crystal to Smg3 and Mario.

Smg3 immediately stepped back, recognizing the crystal "That's no ordinary crystal Bob, that looks like a piece from the nightmare stone."

A flash of memories appeared, ones that involved the stone. From when Smg4 and his Mario recolor friends first finding the stone, to when Smg3 and Bowser used it to trap them in a permanent nightmare, to when a mysterious warrior broke the crystal with a pickaxe and when Three used it to call villains from episodes past.

"Nightmare stone!?!" The unaware crew all said at once.

"That thing can trap people into their worst possible nightmare. Permanently" Smg4 explained, peaking his head behind Meggy.

"GaH!" Bob dropped the crystal in fear. "I'm ToO bEaUtIfUl aNd SeXy t0 gEt TrApPeD iN a PeRmAnEnT NiGhTmArE!"

Kevin, who was listening right out view in the Rv was thinking to himself. 'That fucking rock can't be the reason I'm here. Right?'

"Where did you even find it?" Three couldn't take his eyes off the crystal, its dull color drew him in.

"Cube ate it." Fm coldly spoke up. All eyes turned to him. "When we went to go explore an old, abandoned house, we came across a creepy murder basement." Cube nuzzled closer to his owner, exhausted from the day's events.

"If I remember correctly, the broken crystal was laying on top of Slg4's coffin, it must of fell off when he opened it." X took over. "I guess when we had our backs turned, he ate a piece of it."

"But why would a piece of this nightmare stone be there?" Meggy asked. "It doesn't make any sense."

Smg2 hummed and turned to One. "Do you feel meme energy coming from the crystal?"

Two's question made everyone jolt. "Hold on!" Four pointing a shaky finger at the crystal. "That thing was full of meme energy?"

"I mean it's faint." One admitted. "But yes, this crystal was full of meme energy at one point."

"Can we please move on to something else? I think my brain is going to explode from all of today's plot twists. Lol." Swag said half-jokingly.

"Yeah, like what on earth was Mario was screaming about earlier?" Meggy turned to the plumber.

"Oh, that's easy!" Mario chuckled, a devious look on his face as he pulled the Luigi recolor into the Rv doorway for everyone to see. "Mario found this guy hiding in the bathroom!"

Kevin felt like crawling into a ball and hiding away where no one could find him. Crap, he wanted to avoid this. God, it felt like he was the new kid in school. He let out an awkward chuckle "Uh, hi?" He wanted to die.

Everyone looked at Kevin in shock and as he stated before, Swag's head exploded, leaving behind a yellow coin. Chris who was next to him, signed in disappointment face palming "Jesus Christ, Swag."

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