Chapter 13: More questions than answers (part 2)

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Author's note: Do you have your theory boards out?


"Well, the first thing we figured out was on how this nightmare stone works." Smg2 began.

Smg1 took over. "It's powered by memes, but not just any memes." His voice became lower. "It's powered by the worst type of meme."

"Anti-memes?" Smg4 guessed. One and Two both nodded. Well, shit.

"That lead us to our next question. How did it get its power?" One turned to Shroomy. "Care to take over?"

"Oh boy! Would I?" Shroomy eagerly flipped the board to show a diagram. "Since this is only a small piece of the crystal, you'd think it would need a small amount of power."

"Uh, yeah?" Meggy shrugged, not sure where Shroomy was going with this.

"Wrong!" He pointed directly at Meggy, startling everyone in the process.

"For such a small thing. It needed a whole power supply." E. Gadd calmly brought up.

"Now..." Shroomy dramatic turned to face the board "You might be wondering why would a crystal need such power? Well, the answer is in front of you."

"Huh?" The entire group let out. Except for one.

"Slg4?" Mario asked. Mario turned to look at Kevin, the poor man who got trapped in Slg4's body.

Kevin looked pale, figuring what Mario was implying. "That's correct!" Shroomy flipped the board again to the theory side.

He pointed to the picture of the coffin. "The crystal's power was used to bring Slg4 back from the dead!" Shroomy turned back to look at the group. "But in doing so, the entire internet went down! After all, where's the best place to get a bunch of memes really quickly?"

"Well, that seemed pretty easy." Mario said.

"But!" Of course, there was a but. Mario let out a groan.

"If, it was that the conclusion I came up with." E. Gadd had intervened.

Everyone, including One, Two, and Shroomy turned to the scientist.

"What do you mean?" Four asked.

"There is no doubt that this was powered by memes, and the internet went down. However, I went back to the scene where it all happened. There was no evidence of anything that could have powered the crystal." E. Gadd explained. Mario's head started to hurt with all this science mumbo jumbo.

"Well, there no way that stone could magically get its energy back on its own!" Three said, he let out a huff. "If anyone knows that it's me.

"Let me rephrase that. What I meant to say was there was no physical proof evidence of anything that could have powered the crystal."

"Oh, that makes sense." Three mumbled out.

"If it used meme energy, would there be something connected to the internet to power the crystal?" E. Gadd asked. "I checked the whole house and found no technology in sight. Meaning someone used a different way to power up the crystal."

"But why would someone do this?" Fm asked. "Why bring him of all people back from the dead?" He pointed at Kevin. "Uh, no offence."

"It's fine." Kevin shrugged.

"We suspected that Slg4 was a test run." Two spoke up. "It's most likely whoever is doing this is using it for eevvill!" Two let out a menacing chuckle. Mario quickly hugged Meggy out of fear.

"Two!" One shouted. "We don't know that!"

"Sorry." Two awkwardly chuckled. "Couldn't resist."

"So, let me get this straight." Three began. "Someone took down the internet after using it to gather anti-memes, used the anti-memes to power the nightmare stone, then use the nightmare stone to bring my bro back from the dead?"

"That's what we came up with so far!" Shroomy confirmed.


During this entire event Kevin felt sick, he knew a piece of the puzzle they didn't. He was summoned. But, he could not think of a way to mention it without raising suspicion.

The only thing he could think up was. "Wait, it's called the nightmare stone, right? Then why wasn't I trapped in a nightmare after coming back from the dead?"

'Even though it feels like a weird dream' Kevin thought to himself, although he knew it wasn't the case, his head still hurt from where he banged it on the bathroom counter yesterday.

"That, we haven't figured out yet." E. Gadd admitted. "Now, is it all right if I ask you a few questions?"

Kevin could feel a lump forming in his throat. "Sure." He lied. "I can handle that." Although on the inside, he was panicking. 'Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap! Please don't ask me any personal questions about Slg4, I don't know the answers.'

"This might sound like a weird question but, what is your last memory before you came back to life?" E. Gadd asked, all eyes were on Kevin.

Huh. Okay, he could work with this. "The last thing I remember was..." Kevin remembered something about the stone, he could use that! "Was being electrocuted." It was the truth; he went to go fix the wi-fi router and got electrocuted.

Fm, X, Three and Four flinched at that. "Just like before..." Kevin heard Four whisper.


Elsewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom, a lone figure was standing in front of an empty coffin.

"Drat!" The figure cursed. The figure stood tall wearing a purple cloak with gold embroidery. "This is what I get for leaving the body alone, I don't even know if I summoned the right divine one!" The figure looked around to see no pieces of the crystal.

"Well... that's not good."

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