Chapter1: Wait this isn't my house!

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It was a normal day in the Lerwichagul household that is until, that is the internet went down. "Oh, Goddammit!" Luke Lerwichagul, also known more commonly online as Smg4 looked at his computer with frustration. He was in the middle of editing a video when the internet went down. "Kevin!?" Luke called out.

His older brother shouted back. "Yeah!?"

"Can you check if the wi-fi router is plugged in? The internet just went down!"

"Yeah, give me a minute!" Kevin walked over to the router, to only see the wire was completely broken. "How the hell does that even happen?" The young man asked himself. He stood up and let out a sigh and yelled to his brother.

"Luke! Where's the box of spare computer parts!?"

"Uh, I think that's in the office." His brother called out.

"Of course, it is." He grumbled to himself. "Alright! Thank you!"

Entering the office, Kevin found the box full of spare and old computer parts, the God box. Well, not really, it was just a regular old box that they decided it was a godly, powerful box for an arc. But even still, he hesitated to reaching in.

'It's just a stupid box full of old computer parts.' Kevin thought to himself. 'It can't hurt me.' The young man reached in and grabbed a spare wire, heading back to the router he began careful replacing the broken wire with the spare one. "Alright now to plug it in." Kevin grabbed the plug, putting into the socket, and was immediately electrocuted.

"Oh fuck." The young man was out breath, his vision fading, 'This is karma for calling the box stupid, isn't?' He fell to the floor, passed out.

"Hey! Kevin the internet's back on!" Luke waited for his brother to respond, but he was oddly quiet. "Kevin?"


Down in Blooperville Fm and X were preparing to leave, packing things in Fm's car. As they were going to help build the castle. Fm put down the bag that had their lunches in it. "Alright, that should be everything. Let's go Cube."

X pointed behind his boyfriend "Uh, Fm." The man in red turned to see the penguin holding a soda can before trying to stuff it in his mouth.

"Cube! No!" Cube turned and started to run away "You don't know where that's been!" Fm and X ran after the penguin, following him to an old, abandoned house.

X dived, catching Cube in the progress. "Gotcha!" He panted out, Fm right behind him.

Fm took the old soda can out of the penguin's mouth. "Don't do that Cube, you could have seriously gotten hurt or sick from eating this." Fm placed the can in one of his pockets, he looked to where Cube basically dragged them to. "Uh, X? Does this house look familiar to you?"

X gently placed down Cube, before turning to get a good look at the old house. "No, that's strange. An abandoned house doesn't appear out of nowhere!"

Cube being the curious little penguin that he is, waddled up to the door opening it with a loud creek. "Cube, No!" Fm scooped up the little guy "It's too dangerous." He scolded at the penguin.

Just then, a sound that neither ex-Mario recolors could explain was heard coming from inside the house. The little penguin let out a cry, clearly wanting to go see what made that noise. "C'mon, were going to be late." X tried to plead, but Cube wriggled his way out of Fm's hands and ran down to what the two men could only assume to be the basement.

"Oh God, oh fuck! Are we going to die in a creepy murder basement?" Fm panicked.

X put a hand on his shoulder "Not if we beat the shit out of the creepy murderer." He gave Fm a smirk. Changing the blonde's attitude imminently. Fm gave his boyfriend a nod, walking confidently down to the basement. Finding what looks like an old workshop.

"Cube!" Fm cried out. The penguin was staring at a coffin, on top of the coffin was a crystal, broken into many pieces. "What the hell is all this?" Suddenly the coffin began to shake, startling the penguin to hide behind Fm.


His head hurt, he felt dizzy even though he was lying down. Kevin let out a groan, 'Great,' he thought 'just my luck.' The poor man could hear Luke's friends talking, were they on a video call? Kevin opened his eyes only to see darkness. Where was he? Wait, was he in a fucking coffin!?! Kevin let out a growl. "Luke, I swear if this is one of your pranks."

The man opened the lid and was immediately meet with intense brightness. "What the fuck!?!?" Was that Aaron, and why did it sound like he was in the house? Kevin sat up and turned to where he heard Aaron's voice.


Oh no!

Looking back at Kevin were Fm and X, Luke's friends' personas, with a frighten Cube behind them. Fm's shocked face turned into a scowl "YOU!" he shouted, running towards Kevin with intent to punch him with a murderous look in his eyes.

Kevin let out a girly- I mean manly scream and his fight or flight instincts kicked in; he did the only thing he could do in this situation. He ran. Busting out of weird creepy basement he found himself and ran for a long as he could.


Fm and X walked up to the Luigi shaped hole that Slg4 made when he busted out. The couple turned to look at each other. "We have to warn Smg4." They said at the same time.

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