Chapter 4: He's still hiding

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Kevin could not relax. With the construction work going on outside, his legs were shaking, and his head was pounding where he'd hit it on the sink counter. Today did not go as planned, he was stuck in here with no way out and it all started with the stupid internet going down.

Finally, the noise stopped. Kevin let out a shuttering breath, trying to calm himself. "And least it can't get any worse."


The red plumber was walking up to the porta-potty. "Mario's got to piss." Just then, he noticed the red glow. "Never mind." The plumber let out an ooh, backing away from porta-potty, which was still cursed by the Mario.exe game.

"Uh, Mario? I thought you were going to the bathroom?" The former inkling asked. X also looked at the plumber with confusion, Fm meanwhile was still trying to get Cube to eat.

"Bathroom's haunted." Mario said bluntly.

"What?" X said confused.

"Bathroom's haunted." The plumber said, refusing to elaborate. The plumber went into the Rv, where the only other bathroom was. X looked at Meggy, hoping for some answers.

The former inkling awkwardly chuckled. "It's a long story."

Suddenly, Cube started to hack, like something was stuck in the penguin's throat. "Cube!" X yelled, "Fm, what the hell happened?"

"I don't know, he just started doing this." Fm responded back.

"Okay, no one panic let's just help the poor guy." Meggy took initiative starting hymnlike maneuver the choking penguin.

"Cube." Fm said worryingly. "You have to stop eating random things off the ground."

"What could have he even eaten?" Tari asked, concerned for the penguin's wellbeing.

"That's the thing we don't know. Cube always seems to get his hands on something he's not supposed to eat." Fm explained.

"Well, at least today can't get any weirder." X said flatly.


Kevin could hear someone enter the Rv, 'Did Lu- Smg4 leave something in here?' The man asked himself before realizing the footsteps were getting closer. 'Oh shit!'

Not wanting to be caught, Kevin hid inside the shower-bathtub combo, drawing the curtains and laid as low as he could, covering his mouth to not make any noise.

Mario entered the bathroom, none the wiser. "Time to take a piss." The plumber hummed to himself not realizing he wasn't alone. Kevin could hear his heartbeat drumming in his ears, wanting this to be over, wishing he wasn't stuck in this situation, wishing he was home with his brother.

Finally, the plumber left, Kevin quietly and carefully made his way out of the bathtub. However, it seems he miss-calculated his step and tripped face first on to the tile.

'Well.' He thought to himself 'At least Mario didn't spot me.' Kevin turned his head to still see the bathroom door wide open. Mario was staring right at him.


The plumber let out a scream, unknowingly gaining outside attention. Kevin ran up and covered his mouth "Shut up. Or I'll...I'll." Dammit he couldn't think of a threat. Kevin's hands felt wet. He pulled them away in disgust. "Did you just lick my hands? What is fucking wrong with you?"

Before Kevin could do anything else he was immediately hit in the face by Sakio's hammer, sending him into the wall. "Back off creep!" Kevin almost didn't recognize her voice instead of various characters that they used in videos, she had an actual voice. It almost sounded like Elsie* with a Japanese accent.

"Mario!" It was Tari. Along with her was Bob, Belle, and Melony who all entered the Rv after they heard the plumber screamed bloody murder.

"GoDaMmIt!" Bob said. "AnOtHeR MuRdEr HoBo!" His voice still sounded the same to Kevin.

"Wait! What do mean another!?!" The blue haired cyborg looked at him with worry.

Melony looked at Kevin with confusion. "Um, guys? Does this guy look familiar?"

All anger seemed to die down. All eyes turned to the Luigi recolor, who was sweating bullets.

"Alright what the hell is going on in here?" Smg3 entered the Rv.

Mario tapped Three's shoulder, getting the edgy meme man's attention. The Red plumber pointed directly pointed to Kevin. 'What the hell are they fucking planning?' Kevin thought. The man was still on the Rv floor, fearing for his life.

"No way." Three whispered tears forming in his eyes. "It's you." He said louder he started to chuckle, tears flowing down his face. "It's really you."

Belle grabbed both Mario and Sakio's shoulders "How about we give them some space." The red head said quietly. Sakio agreed, leaving the Rv. However, the plumber was not so convinced. Something seemed off about this.

Three had picked up a confused Kevin off the floor. "It's you;" He choked out. "Brother." Three pulled him into a hug.

Kevin's brain stopped working for a second, processing the information he just heard. 'Brother?!?'


*Elise is Meggy's current voice actress, who also provides the voice of Uzi from Murder drones, in case anyone was confused.

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