Chapter 7: Oh wow, what a bitch!

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Author's note: Most of this chapter is told from Smg3's pov until the last part. 

Also trigger warning for: death, stalking, self-harm, and death threats.


It all stared back at the end of 2013, when my brother was diagnosed with cancer. I don't remember which kind. We were both devastated at that the news, I started to ask myself questions like...

Why did this have to happen to him?

How did this even happen?

He was perfectly healthy, right?

Why must the universe fucking hate me?

The next couple of months he got worse, I tried to distract myself mostly by trying to make Smg4 suffer, but that didn't work. It always backfired on me and made me feel worse. 

When L was put into the hospital, I became frantic, I began to make stupid mistakes, which lead me to make one of the biggest mistakes of my fucking life, getting into a relationship with my ex.


"Uh, Three?" Bowser interrupted, a concerned look on his face. "Are you sure you want to talk about them?"

Three gave a firm nod to the koopa "I want to." His voice was cold and filled with venom, everyone needed to know about them!


My ex, I won't say their fucking name, not because of privacy or some shit. But because if I did, I'd be throwing up having to say their name again.

We met over the internet over some chat forums and hit it off quite nicely, or at least, I thought we did. We agreed to meet in person for our first real date.

But then, I got a call from L, he was dying. I basically ran all the way to the hospital to see him. When I got there, he was already dead...

I never got the chance to say goodbye.

I never got the chance to tell my brother that I loved him, one last time.

I'll never get the chance to see him again!

My ex got mad at me; I don't really blame them for that one. I ran off and didn't say on where I was going. When I explained that I was trying to see my dying brother; they got mad and asked me something that still makes my fucking blood boil to this day.

"And why should I care?"

I shut down at that, I just felt so heartbroken. I should've just ended our relationship there, but I didn't. I broke up with them a few days later, after a nasty fight which gave me a black eye. For the next couple of weeks, I was a complete fucking reck. It felt like I was in a daze, and Bowser was my only support, my only friend.

But my ex, they didn't let go. They kept trying to call me telling how sorry they are, wanting to get back together, before saying something that always irked me the wrong way. Even after I blocked them, they used a website to make fake numbers and tried to call me. I even switched numbers; I don't know how they found it because they still fucking called me!

Luckily for me, their calls have been less and less frequent the past couple of years, but the subjects on why they called got worse and worse. Sometimes they said would harm themselves or call about how I should join my dead brother, or the worse one was the most recent, two days ago, somehow, they found out about Four's and I relationship.

Honestly, I don't think I can repeat what they said on what they would do to him if he ever got their hands on him.

It was just so fucking vile I-


"I'm sorry." Three croaked out, wiping away stray tears with his sleeve. "I-I-" He couldn't finish his sentence, to overwhelmed by his own emotions.

Four pulled Three into a hug, comforting him.

Smg4 had pulled out some logs to use as chairs, for everyone to sit down. The center log had Meggy, Three and Four, the log to Three left had Mario and Bowser, and finally the log on his right sat Kevin, One and Two.

'Wow.' Kevin thought to himself, feeling his own tears well up. 'What a fucking asshole.'

It seems he wasn't alone on that thought. "Wow, what an asshole." The plumber was clearly pissed.

"You know..." Bowser began "I've been trying to get at least a description of them, so I could go and kick their ass."

"I'm with you there!" Meggy stood up from the log, fired up from hearing about Three's shitty ex.

"Who even says something like that?" Two held out his arms in disbelief, tears running down his face "Why should I care?" He said in a mocking voice, "Uh, how about your boyfriend just lost his brother! That's why you should care!" 

One was stunned to speak, his mouth left wide open. Kevin didn't blame him for that.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that Three." Four was still hugging the edgy meme guardian, rubbing small circles on his back.

Three sniffed and pulled himself out of the hug, "No, please don't be. It's not your fault that I have a crappy ex."

The air was silence for a moment, before a growl was heard. It was Kevin's stomach. The Luigi recolor could feel his face getting red with embarrassment. "You gotta be fucking kidding me." He mumbled out.

That lighten the mood, gaining a laugh out of everyone. "Come on bro." Three stood up from the log, his mood a lot cheerier. "Let's get you something to eat."

Kevin couldn't say no to that.

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