Chapter 9: House guest

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Author's note: The calm before the storm. :)


After Lunch, Bowser was the first to leave, followed by Mario, and then Meggy mostly likely going after the red plumber to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Now it was Three and Kevin's turn to head home. 

Although, it wasn't really home for Kevin.

Three opened the portal back to the Internet graveyard, "Alright." He said turning to face his brother. "Ready to go home?"

Kevin was nervous "Are you sure the Knuckles won't get me?" He genuinely asked. God, why did he and Luke made them so blood-thirsty?

Three rolled his eyes and playfully nudged the man who he thought was brother on the shoulder. "Of course! If they do try to swarm or attack, I'll call them off."

Kevin nodded and hopped through the portal and notice Three didn't come with him. He was still on the other side. 'I guess he's saying one last goodbye. Maybe?'

On the other side of the portal, Four held on to Three's hand. "How are you feeling about all of this?" Four asked.

Three squeezed Four's hand "To be honest, I'm not sure." He confessed. "I mean sure, L is acting a little bit quieter than usual, but I don't blame him."

"Yeah, I guess everyone might've overwhelmed him."

"Yeah, I better go now. See you later Glitchy." Three smirked. Four quickly kissed the side of his cheek, causing the edgy meme man to blush. "Tch please, you call that a kiss."

"Heh, maybe you should teach me~." Four smirked back. Three pulled him in for a kiss on the lips.

"Alright, I really better go now." Three eyed the portal hoping that L didn't wander off.

"Take care Three!" Four waved goodbye.

Three finally hoped through the portal "Sorry to keep you waiting bro."

Kevin shrugged "It's fine." While he was waiting, he had a good look over his surroundings. It felt like he was surrounded by ancient ruins. With its rough stone buildings with moss and vines creeping in and trees filling the entire area.

"Right let's go home."


When they arrived at the Starbucks, Three opened the employees only door, which open to some stairs. Heading up they arrived at Three's actual front door. Hearing the sound of the door open, letting her know of her master's return Eggdog was happily yipping, circling around Three's leg.

He laughed "Hello to you too, Eggy." He picked up the happy pooch from the floor. Kevin should no longer be surprised that not everything is like there Gmod models. Eggdog here, was a regular small white dog that was vaguely egg shaped, with a spiky collar. The pooch turned her attention to the man in the doorway.

"Eggy? Is that like a pun or something?" Kevin hoped he didn't ask a question that didn't raise any red flags.

Three chuckled "It's a nickname for her." He explained "Eggy, this is my brother Slg4, or who I like to call L."

Eggdog jumped from Three's arms and moved closer to Kevin. She sniffed at the man's shoe before looking up, sticking out her tongue and started to wag her tail.

Kevin smiled "Hi Eggy. Have you been good?" He knelt down to pet the pooch, her fur was soft.

"Right, I'm going to set up the spare mattress I have. The room may not be entire tidy, mainly because I was using it as storage." Three walked off heading to what only Kevin could guess were the bedrooms.

Kevin took the time to look around Three's apartment? Is that the right thing to call it? Kevin wasn't sure. It was pretty standard with a kitchen and a living room where dog toys were scattered about. With the main colors being black, and white with hints of red being present in these rooms.

Not knowing what to do, he sat down on the couch. Eggdog followed and jumped on his lap as soon as he sat down. Kevin chuckled "You really love your pets, don't you?" Stroking the dog's fur was very calming, it helped him take his mind off of things.

He wasn't sure how long he was there, petting Eggdog, but soon he felt his eyelids getting heavy.

"Alright!" Three came back into the room, which alerted Kevin. "I got the mattress all set for you, L." Three said.

Kevin nodded and gently nudged Eggdog off his lap. Three showed him to the guest room, man he wasn't kidding, it was still messy with boxes laying about and the entire room smelling like coffee. The mattress was in the middle with pillows and a blanket, really giving this room first apartment vibes.

"I would have cleaned out more but, this is what I could do on such short notice. That second door behind you, the one furthest to your left, is the bathroom." Three let out a yawn. "Damn, I must be more tired than I thought. Well, goodnight bro."

"Goodnight." Kevin watched Smg3 enter the room right across the hall with Eggdog in tow. Leaving Kevin alone. He sighed and entered in the bedroom. Taking off his shoes, he laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

His thoughts began to wander. 'How long am I going to stay like?' He still feels guilty about pretending to be Smg3's brother. 'What if I slip up? What would happen then?' Then Kevin realized something, which made him feel even more guilty. 'If they found out that I killed of their loved ones, oh god!'

What do you even say in that situation? It was to move the plot forward? Character development? They would most likely try to kill him, especially Melony. He shook the terrible thought out of his head.

"I hope Luke is okay." Kevin whispered to himself. Luke, God he must be so worried right now. But that made Kevin began to wonder 'Is my body still there in the house? Oh fuck, what if Luke thinks I'm dead?!'

He wasn't sure how, but soon he felt the pull of sleep takeover him. He fell asleep, feeling so alone.

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