Tango, ZIT • Vampires Do Sleep In Coffins

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I do apologise for any grammar/spelling mistakes.
Tw: some shipping is involved
Wc: About 5.1K (5118 words)
Requested by DJ_remixes
Background: Set in early Season 8, Vampire!Tango Au

When Tango first came to Hermitcraft... he panicked for more than reason. He was more or less well... what they called a vampire. Now don't get him wrong, he wasn't actually ashamed of that but he did get quite worried that they would kick him out or not like him.

But eventually he found out a way to hide most of the details. Tango didn't even actually drink blood. He didn't even know what it tasted like! Well, to be fair he didn't even know he was even a vampire until somewhat recently (For context: somewhat recently is just before he first came into Hermitcraft), when he accidentally stumbled into a few books about them and realised that 'Hey! A good couple of these do sound a lot like me' and a friend, who also happened to be a vampire, started pestering him about it.

And the more he looked into things, the more he started to realise things. It had never occurred to him that those details, like the fact he had no mirror reflection (he never liked mirrors in the first place anyway), he was usually avoiding the sun, plus he hated garlic!

He mostly slept during the day, always preferring the night. He always just thought that, ahem, he had a horrible sleep schedule. He wouldn't be surprised if in part it was his horrible sleep schedule to be at blame as well...

His preferred food was always berries (the deep red ones specifically)... and surprising beetroot juice. Tango had no clue when he had developed a passion for beet juice. He supposed it was because his previous place of residence grew a lot of beetroots, so there was always an abundance of beetroot juice and beetroot. It was probably a habit that formed there. But then again, who knows. After all beetroot was a colour similar to... well, y'know.

He also happened to have fangs that were actually barely visible. In fact, they looked almost like his normal teeth, with just a little more point. Tango had learned that it depended on the species.

Thinking about it, there were quite a few signs that did lead to that, weren't they?

Eventually, he decided to dig deeper into this, and after plenty of moments of no luck, he did it—he found someone who was willing to prove and confirm his suspicions privately. And it was at that moment that he discovered that he was a vampire; all the little details and signs actually meant something in the end—it's always the little things, isn't it?

Over the seasons, he did manage to hide things quite well if you ask him. Quickly inventing excuses for whenever a Hermit did question something specific about him. His excuses were usually enough - they would soon brush it off and move on.

And so Tango hoped they wouldn't find out the full details any time soon. He really did.

But eventually the truth just had to come out, didn't it?


Tango was just minding his own business, peacefully mining when he heard a ding come from his communicator. Setting his pickaxe down, he grabbed his communicator and opened it.

He swiped down to the most recent message, raising an eyebrow when he realised it was for him. And surprisingly it wasn't from his Impulse or Zed either, his neighbours or random messages from the Hermits.

It was a private message from Scar, asking if he could meet Grian and him somewhere. They apparently wanted to sell him an 'offer'. Tango let out a soft sigh, that didn't sound good. He never knew what shenanigans would suddenly pop up.

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