Chapter 19 ~ domestic bliss ~

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Nate and Thana had settled into a euphoric existence where they would wake and eat breakfast, practice then go somewhere for lunch, rest before their evening show then go home where one of them would cook supper.

They would bathe then relax together by either watching a movie, listening to music or watching funny video's then the day would end with them in each other's arms. 

Everyone couldn't believe how much Nate had changed and Thana had never been so happy. The season was almost over and JJ was thrilled that fund's were rolling in to keep the circus afloat for another year. Win came by to visit often now that he could get about better and his online cooking channel was becoming a great success. 

Nate wanted to broach the subject of finding a bigger place and marriage but he was waiting for the right time. He had purchased a set of platinum couples rings and had them hidden away. As soon as the season was over he would take Thana out for a lovely meal and propose.

This morning Nate had gone to practice first because Thana wanted to do a load of laundry and get it hanging outside, he would meet Nate later at the practice tent. Thana walked around the bedroom gathering laundry and noticed a sock on the floor under the bed.

He bent to pick it up and a piece of folded paper caught his eye, it looked as if it had fallen so he retrieved it thinking it might be important. Opening it up, he saw it was a print out of an old newspaper then he saw the circus picture and glancing at the article he saw the name Sibyasakun.

Thana flopped down onto the bed, his eyes raking over the article. He didn't need to read it, he had lived it but what was it doing in Nate's home? how long had Nate had it? had he been checking up on him? had he read this before that time when he had followed him to his mothers facility? if yes, then he had lied, how many other lies had he told him?

Thana didn't know what to do, how should he approach Nate with this, would he answer his questions honestly or lie some more? How could everything fall apart in the blink of an eye but then again, he was a prime example of how that could happen.

He was beginning to question Nate's motives now but what could he possibly have to gain, blackmail? no, Nate knew he didn't have money, leverage? but for what ends? Why would Nate want to dig up information about him and his family?

Thana had to get out of here right now, he left the laundry basket on the bedroom floor, grabbed his keys and a jacket and walked out to his car still clutching the paper in his hand. He had no idea where he was headed but he needed time to think about what to do.

Nate was working out when Bar walked into the tent,

"hey Nate, how's it going man"

"everything is going great my friend, how about you?" Nate asked.

"good, good, hey, I just saw Thana driving out of the grounds, he looked really pissed?" Bar said.

Nate thought he might have had some news about his mother so he went over to grab his phone while replying to Bar,

"I'll  call him and see what's up, he was ok when I left him earlier on" Nate said.

Nate tried to call but Thana didn't pick up and when he tried again, the phone had been turned off, a feeling of dread washed over Nate. He was worried that something bad had happened and he wanted to be with Thana if that was the case but why had Thana dashed off without telling him and why had he turned off his phone?

Thana drove to the city, parked up and began walking, he wanted to lose himself in the crowds. The questions mounting in his brain, his heart hurting with the possibility that Nate had been lying to him. 

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