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"Kira, what do you want?"

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"Kira, what do you want?"

Jordan warned me. He would send someone. Well, shit did he send someone. She saw me with Tori. I just hope they are both dumb enough to not connect the dots.

"I told you I transferred," she says. I watch as she sits in front of me. She doesn't look the same to me anymore. I use to be in love with her but now, I don't feel the. Maybe I wasn't even in love with her. Maybe it was infatuation, I don't even know.

"Kira, go back to Duke and leave me the hell alone. I don't care what my brother offered you, go the hell away," I say standing up from the table.

"I'm not going back to Duke. And while yes your brother did help me in my decision, I made it for you," she says standing in front of me. Kira takes a step forward and I take a few back. I nearly take out the girl sitting behind me and I mutter out an apology.

"Tell my brother to kick fucking rocks."

I grab my backpack and back a beeline toward the exit. I have to find Tori. To explain what the hell is going on. She probably thinks I'm working with my brother and that Kira actually means something to me.


I hear her footsteps following behind me as I jog out of the library. Tori is nowhere to be found outside. I sigh, turning around to be met with Kira's dark eyes.

"You know I can't do that. He pays my bills, remember?" she says tilting her head at me. It's like she's mocking me. No, it's not her, it's Jacob. He's mocking me. All the way from the NBA. He is such an asshole.

"How could I fucking forget," I bite out. Kira and I dated my freshman year. From a game of truth or dare at Jordan's house. Then, I learned while she was dating me she was ALSO taking my brother's money. Then they had sex.

"Jacob, come on," Kira says. She reaches for my arm and I pull it back.

"No. You got your update, go report back to Jordan and go back to Duke you have no right being here."

"And you do? You just up and left Duke with no explanation. Jordan's worried-"

I laugh in her face. She's only doing this for the money or Jordan's dick or both. Either way, I don't care. She saw me so now she can fuck off.

"Jordan's not worried. It's none of your business why I came here and it's not Jordan's either. Go the fuck away, Kira."

I turn around again and start the long way to the parking lot where my car is. Kira is still walking closely behind me going on and on about Jordan and God knows what. I'm not even listening anymore. I got out of Duke because it was toxic as hell. Coach allowed me to come here. He was my parents' good friend, we still kept in touch. As for my brother, well let's just say he knows how much of an ass Jordan can be. Coach got me out of Duke.

Everything that happened last year was the cherry on top. I had my decision made to transfer somewhere else my sophomore year. Jordan wouldn't let me. Since he is my older brother, he knows how to weasel his way into our trust funds from our parents. Including mine. So, I waited and played my cards right. I made sure I slowly put money into a new account so that he wouldn't notice. Once he started making big money from posting on Instagram and doing ads, he had no idea what I was doing. After last year, when I up and left Duke he freaked. But I don't need Jordan nor do I need his money. And once I make it into the NBA I really won't need him.

"I saw who you were sitting with Jacob! You can ignore me all you want but just wait until I tell Jordan about Carter Miller's best friend studying with you," Kira calls out from behind me. I halt to a stop and turn around. Kira's arms are crossed over her chest in a challenging manner. I know she isn't bluffing.

Kira needs the money. She comes from a pretty messy background and her parents can't help her out. They can barely keep their own heads afloat. I did my best to help her when we were together but Jordan clearly offered something I couldn't. Kira isn't a bad person, she was probably the nicest person I have ever met. Until my brother corrupted the fuck out of her. Now I barely recognize her.

"You wouldn't. Kira, keep Tori out of this. If anyone finds out, especially my brother-" I take a long pause. I don't even know what would happen. "You can tell Jordan anything fucking else besides anything about Tori."

"Hm defensive of her are we?" Kira says with a knowing smirk. She shrugs her shoulders and tosses her dark hair over her shoulder. "I remember when you would get that way for me."

I almost cringe at the thought. I don't know how I ever cared about Kira. I remember seeing her at the party. She just looked like trouble, even if she was really nice at first. Her dark big eyes and her hair that is such a dark brown that it looks almost black with a round face and fair skin. She's a pretty girl who decided to take the wrong path. Although, I was definitely not the best person freshmen year of college. I can't help but be defensive about Tori. Thinking about Jordan figuring out about Tori makes me see red.

"What do you want?" I ask her. If it will make her go away, I will do whatever it takes for Jordan not to find out about Tori. Or that I am Captain or anything else that is going on right now. I don't need this right now.

Kira chuckles lowly. She drags a finger down my arm and I pull away again.

"You'll figure it out."

I watch as she struts away from me and back into the library. I could puke. My stomach is churning at the thought of this happening right now. Jordan did warn me about bringing someone. I just didn't realize it would be her. I walk quickly to my car and climb into it. I open up my phone and click Tori's number. I am so thankful that Kelly made this stupid group chat for our group project. I type a quick text message apologizing and asking Tori if we could talk. I exit out of Tori's text message and I click on Jordan's. I put my phone up to my ear and listen to the dial tone. This motherfucker better answer before I have a full-on freak out in my car.


"Jordan! What the fuck were you thinking about bringing Kira here? What are you going to do next fucking come here yourself? Are you twenty-three or twelve Jordan?" I yell at him over the phone. I met with a loud laugh.

"Wow, I am surprised you beat her to it. Still care about her, Brother?" Jordan taunts me. I take a deep breath through my nose.

"No. Send her back to Duke now," I demand. My voice is unwavering, I am so pissed off right now I don't even care what he threatens.

"No. You don't get to tell me what to do. Don't think I don't know what you are pulling. I am your brother and I am protecting you. So, stop with the fucking attitude Jacob and appreciate my present to you. You must be lonely with everyone hating you there, especially your own team. As Captain now too," Jordan says. My face pales. How does he know all of this? Who the fuck is telling him all this? Now I could really throw up. My stomach is churning and every single ounce of confidence I had before is gone.

"Jordan, I have it under control. Didn't you say I should get close? Well, now as Captain I'm as close as ever," I lamely say. He did say that but knowing Jordan, he isn't going to be happy.

"Yes while that is a hell of a way to get inside their heads, I'm talking-"

I cut him off so fast I barely process what I am saying.

"I still have feelings for Kira."

Such a lie but I know what he was going to say. He has been on all of those girl's cases once he found out how close the boys of UNC were with them. Whether it was Tori or someone else, Jordan doesn't need to harass anyone else in that friend group.

"Not what I heard but if you say so, then I guess I'll be updated," he says. "Talk soon, Brother."

I am met with silence as I sit in my car. I stare out my windshield and watch all the students walk around like normal. Everything is normal for everyone else. Beside me. How do I keep going back to my life being a shitshow?

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and check my phone again. No response from Tori but a text from Kira. I throw my phone into my passenger seat and send a punch right to my steering wheel. 

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