Chapter XXVI: It is what it is

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"You find yourself and your friends all over again, you find something to fight for, something to love. Something to show the world."


Takemichi could feel his heart in his throat, constantly beating and blocking his airways. It was just less than 24 hours before the big fight; the day was barely scraping the surface as everyone readied themselves for the biggest battle of their lives. Due to this fact, Takemichi knew that his time was running out. 

He wasn't able to find (Y/N), and his plan to bring Baji back to Toman seemed forfeited. He had almost lost all hope. 

He was practically on the edge of giving up already. Time was running out, and he had no clue of (Y/N)'s whereabouts, let alone why she strayed down such a rotten path. It led him to think about it, ponder about why such a timid girl like herself, felt the need to punishment herself in such ways.

Those questions would have to wait, however. For now, with the help of Chifuyu, they were traveling to a secluded bridge, one that stood above a beautiful river, filled with ducks and other creatures that went about their business. 

As both blondes took their sweet time ascending the stairs, one foot after the other climbing higher and higher up, they could feel the intense breeze picking up, turning their peach fuzz into pure ice sickles at the mere draft. 

As of now, Chifuyu formulated a decent plan to just 'chat' with Baji. Hopefully, they were gonna earn some sort of explanation of what he was trying to do while spying for Valhalla. 

It was a decent plan, he couldn't complain. However, something irked him; like someone shoved pins and needles down his shirt. 

The plan seemed too easy. Honestly, Takmeichi was still uncertain about Chifuyu's statement about Baji being a 'spy' altogether. But other alternatives did he have? At the very least he could warn Baji of his fate, urge him to just be careful.

All-in-all, they still needed to try. To do something.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice!" Chifuyu exclaimed; his sweaty hands in his pockets as his pure blue eyes stared at the now-relaxed figure leaning against the bridge's sky-blue railing. 

There he was, laid-back as ever.

As Baji's ears became filled with Chifuyu's static voice, he arose with a groan; containing a bored yawn as he re-opened his brown eyes and glared back at the tiny blondes standing before him. 

For a moment, he's just standing there, not batting one lash, not speaking one word. It was as if he were trying to communicate with his eyes. Or at the very least insult the pair with his mean glare. 

Then, he smirked.

"Chifuyu. Back again? What, do you want your ass beat?" He snarkily commented; not acknowledging the unbothered expression written on Chifuyu's face. And he could care less about how he slowly approached his former divisions' captain.

Takemichi, on the other hand, was awestruck. He was aware of Chifuyu's plan to discuss things with Baji. But to see it actually...being pulled off? It made his brain spin around in circles. 

"Did you get anything on Kisaki?" Chifuyu spoke; getting straight to the point as he extended a hand out slightly. Baji displays a look of perplexion, his head tipping to the side as if he had heard a historical amount of blasphemy; all he could utter was a 'Huh?'

Chifuyu is stifled by Baji's confusion but proceeds nonetheless. "You, and (Y/N)'re spies, right? You're both spying for Toman, trying to destroy Valhalla from the inside out, and trying to find info on Kisaki...?"

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