Chapter 3: Fight with the old man

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Batman, Harley Quinn, Dinah and Oliver Queen watched the CCTV footage through brother eye and saw an mysterious stranger fighting and interrogating an gang of three thugs.

Dinah: So is this another Superman follower we have here ?

Batman: Doubt it, if he was an follower he would have killed all three of them. I listened to the footage he only killed the one who showed the least regret of murdering.

Harley: But (Makes the word exaggeratedly long) he ain't like Batsy over here otherwise he wouldn't had put an hole through that asshole's face.

Dinah: Wait why didn't you just turn up the brightness and enhanced to see this guy's face ?

Batman: I tried that, whoever this vigilante is he's an expert at hiding his face so much so that not even brother eye could recognize him

Oliver: So what ? do we find this guy and interrogate him.

Batman: No we have more pressing matters.

Batman turns to the super computer and types a few things in.

Batman: Dismantling the Regime created gaps in global security. We're covering them where we can, but we're stretched thin. Vulnerable. Harleen, show them what you found.

Harley: Right-o, Bats. (sits back down and accesses Brother Eye) Gorilla Grodd, everyone's favorite talking ape. He's got himself a band of bozos. Calls 'em "the Society".

Bruce: My mole in Gorilla City says Grodd's planning something big. But what, where, when,...we don't know.

Harley: One thing we DO know: Scarecrow's gonna ship Grodd a butt-load of fear gas from a hideout in Slaughter Swamp. Very mosquito-y.

Green Arrow: Good thing I packed my bug spray.

Batman I need you three to stop that gas before it gets to Grodd.

Black Canary: Not joining us for the party?

Batman: Unfortunately, I can't leave Gotham without worrying the public.

Harley stands up and walks to Black Canary

Harley:  Don't worry, Bats. With this crew on the job, what could go wrong? 

She walks towards the elevator, arm around Black Canary's shoulders

Green Arrow: (still nervous) I know I'm the new guy, but you really trust Harley?

Batman: She's a different person since joker died...mostly.

Green Arrow doesn't seem convinced, especially when Harley grabs a knife and puts it behind her back while walking with Black Canary.

As the three leaves for the mission, Batman hears his weapons room door open.

He glares at the direction of the room and starts making his way through the weapons room.

Bruce enters his weaponry and searches around.

Suddenly an knife lodged itself into the wall in front of Bruce.

The caped crusader looked at the source to see an man wearing Jason's helmet, Crows old uniform.

The man had two guns strapped on an belt that wrapped itself to his waste. Bruce also saw an knife holder on the persons foot. The man also had twin Katanas on his back.

Batman looked in anger at the man who dared wear his late sons clothes.

Batman: You, take those off now.

The mysterious intruder wasted no time as he jump kicked Batman.

Bruce skidded back a little and grabbed two batarangs and through it at the intruder.

The intruder pulled out his knife revealing it was an kryptonite knife and deflected the batarangs.

The two charged at each other and their elbows pushed against each other.

????: Please move.

Batman: No!

????: This knife is not meant for you. (If anyone gets it please comment)

The man won the struggle as he kicks at Batman's knee to make him fall down.

Using the the downed batman to his advantage he sucker punched the caped crusader unconscious.

Under his helmet the man smirked, he grabbed an grappling hook and shot it at an window that let him get away with that he spoke to Bruce.

????: Thanks for the weapons (N/n a nickname you once gave to Batman)

As you grapple hooked away, Bruce's eyes shot up at the mention of the nickname his late son once gave him.

Bruce looked through the window only to see the intruder was all ready gone.

Batman: Y/n ?

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